Can we finally get playable the high elves?

The Dark Rangers give us some ideas, they say they were frowned upon and not tolerated very well by their people. Much like the Forsaken with Humans.

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theyre already in the game

The usual Joes are not welcome. You as the player, the Hero of Everything and Ever are the exception.

So what that would translate to is that there isn’t gonna be goth-sector reserved for them in that city, like in the nelf city.

And let’s be honest, the Horde does not really need a goth-sector, they have a whole city for gothy types, the Undercity, assuming Blizzard remembers they have to give it back to the Forsaken, which given their latest track record might not even happen…

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You can be right in the future but at the moment you have no good argument to convince me otherwise.

That a Silver Covenant Elf member (because the Silver Covenant isn’t just Blood/High Elves) could have been shocked by the massacre of their own people in WOTLK and knowing the Sunwell is restored, decided to join the Kingdom of Quel’Thalas? You’re telling me this wouldn’t be plausible?

Or a member overtime became dismayed with Vareesa’s love for humans over their own kind, rejoined the Kingdom of Quel’Thalas?

What world do you live in? I can think of more scenarios that have happened in reality that would go along with why a Silver Covenant member rejoined the Kingdom.

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The only scenario we know is that the Alliance elves are allowed to live in Silvermoon. This is probably to prepare the neutrality of this city for the Quel’Thalas expansion.


playable high elves should be put into the game

Oooo I somehow didn’t even think of this lol. That would be huge!

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agreed, but these threads wants something that says “high elf race” as if we don’t have 4 playable high elf races already


I think it’s obvious since the high elf NPCs disappeared from Telogrus rift.

I feel like Blizzard wants void elves to be blood elves only.

i think it’s because no one plays blood elves anymore since allied races came into play

Proof or not true.


I’d need to see stats on that since I see mainly belves on the Horde. Also belves are the only horde race that can be DH and I have seen plenty of Horde DH.


lol Lyria and Ennas don’t really matter at all, Lyria literally says in the same dialogue that she isn’t gonna let Alleria or the Void control her either, I don’t know if she’s even considered a Void Elf. One Dev on Twitter literally said they added them to the “misfit group on Telogrus” because another Dev suggested it lol. I don’t think they have any say whether or not the Ren’dorei go back to Quel’thalas :joy:

You putting more stock in the opinion of a random who just showed up in Telogrus versus the literal two racial leaders of the Ren’dorei is “cute”


Umbric has NEW dialogue about how he’s hopeful the Ren’dorei will eventually return to Quel’thalas and that sentiment was made clear by Alleria as well several times in her new short story.

But yes Lyria, who’s new dialogue says she doesn’t want to follow the Horde, the void, Alleria, anyone at all is who will be making the decision on the Ren’dorei’s future :rofl: and is definitely who the Devs are using to foreshadow it :rofl:

We’ll see I guess :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


<~~~ I play this guy and he is a…

waves :smile: Been here since 2007.


We are in the game, the Devs gave Blood and Void Elves “high elf” options specifically so we can play them a few years back. But yeah a more official title or option would be cool too!

Void Elves are not High Elves, they let them have generic Blood/High Elven features because they come from Blood/High Elves.

Blood Eves have always been High Elves.

When are you going to accept that Isveria?

It wouldn’t be canonically neutral, Silvermoon will always be a Horde city.

How are you going to say they don’t matter? They were intentionally added, and intentionally given that dialogue out of plenty of other flavor NPCS they could’ve added. It would make absolutely no sense to give Void elves this “I hate Blood elves, and I don’t want to go home” just to make them go home in the next expansion.

You even tried to make an argument that Quel’thalas isn’t associated with the Horde, but their dialogue directly contradicts that. Someone is deep in denial.

Right, because it’s not like they were placed there intentionally, or given those lines to story-build the Void elves for the first time since the rift was added. I think you’re trying to underplay them cause you realize just how much they shoot your theory down.

Cute indeed.

I love how you pick and choose which dialogue matters, and which doesn’t. Someone’s bias is showing.

Oh we will. Have fun with the tentacles m’lady. lol


I’m kind of in a happy place with our Void Elves. They can role play both ways. The name means nothing to me. So long eventually we can play as Paladins, I am happy.

I played Turtle WoW, where they attempted a “TBC” xpac with High Elves(Ally) and Goblins (Horde), and I find it very interesting. A High Elf new race now would be meaningless for Retail because we pretty have much flavours of everything, but maybe for Classic or Cata, if Blizz attempts a different storyline, putting in High Elves for Alliance will be a draw for me. It will be cool if during TBC, instead of Draeneis, both factions get elves. High Elves vs Blood Elves, the next few expansions was pretty much centered around their conflicts anyway. High Elves made so much sense for TBC, where their Allies try to help them preserve their identity while the Blood Elves embraced havoc and fel. For people interested, go try Turtle WoW, the storyline for High Elves actually make so much more sense on the Alliance, than Blood Elves on Horde, no matter how we force-spin the lore 369 degrees. LOL

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