Can we finally get playable the high elves?

This only applies to those who directly survived Arthas’s attack. Any High Elves not in silvermoon at the time are not accounted for in that percentage.

The full quote is:

“90% of the elves within Quel’thelas died, and 90% of those who survived in Quel’thelas became Blood Elves”

Any High elf who was not in that city is still a High Elf. 90% of the High Elf population was not in Quel’Thelas.

Literally wrong.

cut the quote all you like. You’re wrong.


Never happened, never sourced. you’re going to be wrong.

The key word: Quel’Thalas. Yes. He wiped out 90%. Of Quel’Thalas.

Quel’Thalas is not a blood elf. Please learn to read. It’s a singular city.

if 90% of Stormwind was killed, would that be 90% of humans? NO.

Said it once I’ll say it again.

When it comes to gatekeepers. The High Elves existed inside one city at all times forever and any elves not within Quel’Thelas don’t exist because it hurts their feelings.

Dalaran, Stormwind, Lorderon, High Elves were all over these places when Quel’Thelas fell, and even in your outdated, literally deleted, source, that you CANNOT ACCESS ANYMORE, and is PRACTICALLY NON-CANONICAL, it never ONCE states that “90% of all High Elves died”

It REPEATEDLY clarifies in bad english I admit: “90% of High Elves, IN QUEL’THELAS, died. And 90 OF THE REMAININ ELVES. WHO WERE IN QUEL’THELAS. Became BLood Elves.”

No, it refers to the remaining High elves altogether. Again, the Encylopedia says

Prince Kael’thas returned home and rallied all the survivors he could find: approximately 90% of the surviving high elves.

It doesn’t say 90% of the of the surviving High elves in Silvermoon, it just says surviving High elves in general.

Would you call Americans who weren’t in New York during 9/11 “Survivors of 9/11”?


So why does “Survivors of Quel’Thelas” mean “100% of High elves to ever exist” to you.

Proved my point.

Returned to Quel’Thalas.

Those who were there when the scourge attacked.

Those who were there when the scourge attacked.

This is simple english. And your source is still dubious af.

To be fair to thier point.

I always interpreted it as it was 90% of thier total population.

MOST High Elves were very isolationist.

With Quel’thelas being a metropolis, spanning 2 or 3 countries.

So I also assumed at least that the 1% who were High Elves, meant just all High Elves now only accounted for 1% of the population they had before the sacking.

So like the Stormwind, Dalaran, Theramore, Arathi, Lorderon High Elves were included in that 1%, because not THAT many left Quel’Thelas

Which is something they hint at in the Sylvanaus book.

I could be wrong on that point.

But I’m just saying in thier defense that is what I personally gathered.

Kael’thas recruited 90% of the remaining is my point.

No, its referring to the fact that after Kael’thas recruited the remaining High elf population, his forces contained 90% of the surviving population. Not the surviving population of Silvermoon, just 90% of the surviving High elves, because that’s where the majority of them returned after leaving the Alliance.

For what it’s worth, I understood your point.

I just could tell you weren’t processing my point.

In that I was meaning 10% of those left alive were High Elves.

While 90% of those left alive were the Blood Elves.

Which to be honest considering 90% of them died before the BE change, it does get confusing to keep track of numbers.

Yeah, but its sort of moot since my overall point is that the majority of surviving High elves were of like-mind to the High elves who left the Alliance and eventually became Blood elves. So if we are to ask ourselves, which group better represents the concensus of the 100%, it would be the Blood elves.

As the elves that remained with the Alliance would be considered an aberration to their culture. Even Kael’thas, who actually refused the edicts to return home himself stated that he was not like most of his people, who preferred to live in seclusion away from the other races.

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Don’t Let your wants get in front of your needs :coffee:

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Yes. Please shut up.

In Quel’Thalas, he WENT to Quel’Thalas to RECRUIT them. IN THAT QUOTE. Stop REWORDING THE QUOTE.

straight up wrong.

Not all humans are the “Surviving population of 9/11” that’s dumb and the fact you think like this proves you’re being disingenuous.



Read again, and again, and again, 5 times. Read it slowly. Read it quickly. Read it until you see the words and not your fantasy.

You are deluding yourself.

Literally delusions. Go write a fanfic.

The actual quote, from the Encyclopedia you are quoting, says the High Elves find Blood Elves disgusting. Please shut up troll.

Blood elves are 1% of the High Elf population. 99% are Alliance and will be introduced in the Midnight expansion.

There is a quote in an old version of the Blood Elf racial page that states this. Do your research before you talk about lore.

I have proven you wrong again and again and you continue to troll. Clearly, you have never read the lore once in your lives and are new to this. Please try to be better.

Yes, he was in SILVERMOON, that’s where 90% of the remaining High elf population remained. It does not mean 90% of the Silvermoon population.

Not even the wiki agrees with you, which is why they don’t specify Silvermoon because that was OBVIOUSLY not what it meant. You are literally alone in this, and no one agrees with you.

It’s not, you’re just in denial.

Cope harder.

And yet here they are living among the Blood elves and the Sunwell. Stay mad.

In consequence, there are so few high elves left on Azeroth today that they cannot be considered a race in anything other than the biological sense. High elves do not gather in any significant numbers, nor do they act as a coordinated whole. They are a very small group of individuals scattered all over the world. As such, they do not have common opinions or goals. Indeed, modern high elves cannot even truly be said to have a culture--only a past filled with glory and regret.

Please read this from the Warcraft Encyclopedia and still pretend that the majority of High elves are Alliance. lol


Troll logic. That’s never stated, you made that up.

Survivors. Of Silvermoon.

Yes. Yes it does. you’re just wrong.

The Encyclopedia page on the wiki is a mirror. The wiki makes no statement about what is or isn’t canon on that page. Read the top of that wiki page dumb.

Says the illiterate.

I have likes. Please find another insult.


says the one crying about twisting words harder than Blizzard twists the lore.

Because the Encyclopedia is NOT CANON.

Link it. If it’s a blizzard official page, you should be able to.

You won’t. Because Blizzard deleted it. Because it’s not canon.

Take your fanon elsewhere loser.

But you have long ears, so clearly you’re a honorary elf!

Reality is that you only need one. Even if that one only is the player character.

It’s not like the PC is a lowly peasant or anything.

Same goes for classes.

ITT: People who can’t read citing a deleted webpage for their lore from 2007 that hasn’t been updated since TBC and has been ignored by everyone except losers with WAY too much time on their hand to insult and belittle people while actively being wrong.

What a waste of time and energy. I’m out, you keep circle jerking about your dead web page from 2007 with retconned lore that straight up says “There are High elves in the alliance” that you choose to cherry pick, misquote, and straight up somehow READ WRONG.

SURVIVORS CANNOT BE PEOPLE WHO WERE NOT AT THE EVENT THEY “SURVIVED”. That’s not what that word MEANS. I am not a survivor of 9/11 because I WASN’T IN NEW YORK WHEN 9/11 HAPPENED. The High elves of Dalaran and Stormwind and etc. Are not the “Survivors” Kel’Thas recruited because he recruited THE SURVIVORS. THEY AREN’t SURVIVORS. IT’S BASIC ENGLISH.

Good bye.

The encyclopedia quite literally says Kael’thas went to Silvermoon and recuited 90% of the survivng High elf population. Sorry that’s hard to swalow.

It doesn’t say of Silvermoon, it just says Kael’thas recruited 90% of the surviving High elf population.

Yes it does? It puts all the non-canon stuff at the bottom of the page with a disclaimer that its not canon

This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Everything else, unless it has this disclaimer is canon to the story.

You’re the only one who thinks this.

Oh wow, not likes. lol

Says the one who ignores all citations and then tries to say the wiki and warcraft encyclopedia isn’t canon.

Go to the wikipedia, it was confirmed in a Q&A in to be canon in 2012, if you’re trying to argue that its not canon, then the burden of proof is on you.


Like void elves became a faction from two void elves. Maybe 1, since Alleria is still a high elf, just using void powers.

Why would you want to play High Elves? According to WoW lore, High Elves were elitist jerks who betrayed their own people for power.

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