Can we finally get playable the high elves?

“My kind” lol you have no clue what the lore of my character is weirdo

Also the Sunwell is getting invaded in Midnight babes lol good luck with that

No they aren’t LOLLL

They are gonna go home under the Quel’thalas banner. Umbric even has new dialogue with Velf PCs about how one day they might return to Quel’thalas. That doesn’t mean Velves are gonna join the Horde :rofl:

You don’t seem to understand that Quel’thalas is being treated more like an independent nation than a HORDE HORDE HORDE city. We are in a time of peace and yes the factions exist still but they are not the defining part of much of the next 3 expansion’s storytelling, Lor’themar married Thalyssra they’re like the superpower magical elf couple of the Horde I don’t think he’s worried about the other Horde nations telling him who he can or can’t let into his city lol. Arator lives there and he and Turlayon and Alleria were all strolling around in the recent short story and all are still very much Alliance characters lmao.

They are gonna make Silvermoon (or at least parts of it) Neutral and the Sunwell is gonna be altered or destroyed and High Elves are gonna be a neutral AR in Midnight and you’re gonna have a meltdown rofl

Bookmarking this to see your tears when it happens

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Is that so? I mean that much certainty must come from somewhere, give us the source please. Don’t say your headcanon cause that does not count.

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We can bookmark this and come back in 3 years lmao I’m not worried :hugs:

So you are just talking out of your bum here. Cause you don’t know, you just confidently imagined it. Ok. I was worried there for a second Blizzard went insane.


Somewhat incorrect. The user you quoted asked specifically for Silver Covenant High Elves.

So Alliance is the only possible solution due the WotLK transmog items.

Again, bookmark this and let’s revisit in three years :hugs:

Yeah I’ll mark it into my insane theories calendar.

Those are living in Quel’Thalas, Silvermoon.
They all went back.
Read the new novel.


Is that so?
Then there are really preparing to make the elf-model completely factionless, which is great.

No, they are not.

Alliance has the Void Elf.
Horde has the Blood Elf.

It is what it is.


Umbric wishes they could…

So much speculation but here’s something that is factual.

No matter what the lore of your character is, she’s going to turn and embrace the void from time to time. So, that’s not a Blood/High Elf.


Incorrect Blastkrizzle, they can still make a Blood Elf and be from the Silver Covenant. TBC and WOTLK are from some time ago.

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Yeah, we get to see all the High elves and Blood elves uniting together to defend the Sunwell. It’s gonna be swell. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Umbric has been saying that for a while now, that’s likely never going to happen, Void elves might be allowed in the city, but they’ll never be welcome home there to live there, you’ll likely be accepted in the same capacity that your Void elves are allowed into the Stormwind Cathedral. You can visit, but please but on your way as soon as possible. Which coincidentally, is essentially what Lor’themar told Alleria.

Not only that, but the dialogue from Lyria and Ennas tells us that there’s likely no plans to have the Void elves reconcile with Quel’thalas. Clearly Quel’thalas is still associated enough with the Horde that Ennas would rather be flung off to furthest reaches of the Void then remain there, and Lyria showed her outright disdain for the Magisters and Blood elves overall, while it’s clear that elves like Arator still consider it their life and duty to be there and protect their homeland.

As of now, only High elves and Blood elves live in Silvermoon. (Oh, and half-elves.)

It isn’t though, Lyria’s comment basically shoots that theory in the foot. Would be strange for them to intentionally add those two NPCs who’s whole story is how much they hate the Magisters, and the Blood elves of Quel’thalas just to say “the void elves return home” I doubt they as a group want to return even if it were possible.

Your wishful thinking is cute though.

Except Arator is a child of Quel’thalas, we already saw that Lor’themar was willing to allow what he, and his people consider an enemy into the city to honor their relationship. That and you forget that he basically sent an squadron of guards to follow them everywhere they went. Doesn’t sound like he, or any of the people in the city trust Void elves enough to leave them alone in the city, nevermind allow them to live there.

After all, Alleria is alliance and that doesn’t earn her any leniency.

The copium. You’re gonna be seething when SMC gets updated and it’s full of High elves and Blood elves living together, and the void elves skulk away all sadly when they realize they no longer will fit in with her people, much like how Demon Hunters and Death Knights are also no longer welcome. Something that was even mentioned in the new tabard questline.


I uh, doubt this is going to happen. They’re going to be a bit awakard around, sure, but DKs and DHs are still going to be chilling fine in whatever Silvermoon future we have. Probably over in Murder Row, sure, but they’re hardly going to be left out, especially given BElf history alone

Doubtful. In every instance we’ve heard of a Blood elf demon hunter referring to their people, they’ve been rejected. In the Vault of the Wardens Tirathon Saltheril mentions it

Tirathon Saltheril yells: You dare speak of sacrifice to me?
Tirathon Saltheril yells: I gave up my flesh, my soul; my people shun me as a freak.
Tirathon Saltheril yells: And what was my reward? Eternal torment from my “sisters”.

Then in the most recent tabard quest you ask another Demon Hunter about themselves, and he also tells us that he was shunned, and that his people considered him as good as dead.

DKs I admit are a little less clear on, but I’d imagine its the same considering we never see any DKs near, or around Silvermoon.

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Silvermoon has barely been updated since it was added in TBC, before DKs were playable

Given Amirdrassil and Exodar both have their “Here’s your designated Edgy Zone”, there’ll be some DHs and DKs

None of the quotes I mentioned were from Silvermoon. Vault of the wardens is a legion dungeon.

If this were the impression they wanted to give, I doubt they would continuously portray demon hunters as being “shunned” from their own society. Especially in a quest as recent as the last patch.

Again, DKs, maybe, but Demon Hunters is highly unlikely, although more likely than Void elves thats for sure.

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The game disapproves your posting by default at the moment. No matter how you twist it, your are incorrect and perhaps right in Midnight.

Playable amani and drakkari first

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What? You are not making sense. Are you anthropizing the game? :slightly_smiling_face: You know I’m right little Blastkrizzle pulls on a cheek yes you do.