Can we finally get playable the high elves?

So desperate you have to claim people literally popping up as typing at the same time on the bottom of the thread are all the same person. I got 3 monitors up while typing completely different posts at the same time huh?

Please take the L.

This is my main BTW. Got AOTC on it last patch and unsubbed.

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Well, yeah this is an alt. US alt needed to post on this forum since i’m located in the EU.

Same name over (different accents tho) there so not exactly hiding anything.

I think he’s referring to the group that make up the High elves we play as in WC3. Often times people confuse the High elves from WC3 with the High elves that remained with the Alliance, but only 1% of the population did that, and the remaining Alliance High elves represent very different views and ideas from other elves.

If we ask ourselves, who is carrying on the story of the High elves, it would be the Blood elves.

The Silver Covenant, and the Alliance High elves I would say represent a different culture of High elf, ones that have largely abandoned their past in favor of humancentric lifestyles. Even Elisande points this out when she’s addressing each group. We can even see it ourselves if we compare them, generally alliance High elves can be seen wearing human clothes, living in human cities, speaking common and bearing children with humans. I’d say they’ve developed their own little cultural division all themselves.

Maybe not horde, but honestly “faction” identity has sort of been muddled down recently. I imagine the elves who’ve returned to Silvermoon did so out of their loyalty to their homeland, and city, and less so over which faction it belongs to. Arator sort of suggested as much when he stated that his duty and life were in Silvermoon.

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This is also something that is touched on BfA/Legion.

Lor’themar says he views ALL children of Quel’thelas as his people and his responsibility.

The Elves have a very strong sense of unity and bond, that transcends the faction barriers which I always found to be touching.

Ah, that makes sense, yeah if they go from WC3 > WoW and don’t know the story that happens after WC3, it would be very confusing.

I would still say Varessa and the SC are the ones who continue the story of the High Elves.

Since Kael even in WC3 has a big thing about his people now being the Blood Elves in remembrance of thier people.

With like 90-ish% of all living Elves of thier kind at the time, becoming Blood Elves.

I’ll admit it’s confusing sure.

But the way people refuse to acknowledge the High Elves as thier own thing because they can’t understand the differences even when pointed out to them, is absurd, lol.

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Faction identity have always been a mess since it lazily lobs everyone under either Human or Orc culture.

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They tried to do better in Vanilla but kinda dropped the ball.

Initially Player Night Elves for instance were only those from Daranasus, and the other Night Elves were easily assumed Neutral or Hostile to the Alliance.

That got muddied quick though

Here’s what you do, ok:

  1. Create a new character
  2. Select either Blood Elf or Void Elf
  3. When you go the eye color options, select the blue eyes
  4. Create character and enjoy

As do I! While I find a little conflict to also be interesting, I’ve always loved seeing the two groups look passed their differences and work together.

For instance, I was touched when Auric Sunchaser immediately returned to his homeland and the Sunwell upon leaving Outland, and did his best to bring the two groups together, referring to both groups collectively as the children of silvermoon himself.

I do hope we see him again.

Eh, I don’t think so. Even Elisande points this out during Legion, she goes on to list off all the things that have sort of spat on their heritage and past, even going as far as saying that they are not worth of the names High Elves.

Vereesa is probably one of the bigger transgressers of assimilating into a humancentric lifestyle, between living and marrying a human and having half-elf children, to largely abandoning her people’s cause.

Becoming a Blood elf was never a depature from who they were, it was to honor who they are. Remember, the Blood elf Heritage quest quite literally turns the player into the High elves from WC3 as they defend Silvermoon against Arthas. Their story picks up exactly where the their story ends in WC3.

Blood elves still carry on the same traditions, they wear the same clothes, live in the same city, and protect the heart of the High elven culture (the Sunwell) they speak the same languages, and honor the High elves who fell during Arthas’ attack.

Also we have to remember that 99% of the High elves left the Alliance when the edicts went out, and only 1% remained with the Alliance (like Vareesa) so the blood elves who make up the remaining number of that 99% would best reflect the opinions, and choices the original High elves would have made.

This has never been stated. Anywhere. Ever. You can’t just make up statistics and act like you’re right.

99.99999999999% of high elves are alliance actually, look it up, it’s totally true. that 0.0000000000000000001 joined the horde. Lor’thamar and the player. /s

Okay so you want playable elves of dalaran? So will the only playable class be mages then? How many elven mages of dalaran could there have been. Dalaran was a human city. One of the seven human kingdoms, founded by a human and part of Lorderon alliance.

Have you ever even played a blood elf and actually read the quest texts?

They are deciding what to do. The sunwell was destroyed. Their leader took their fighters and left for outland (and went mental). So they were searching for allies. There are alliance emissaries and horde emissaries in the city.

So these are your elves from WC3. The elves of silvermoon, right after the events of WC3. That is the world you enter when you make a level 1 blood elf.

There are a couple factors why they decided to join the horde.

Night Elf Infiltrators - the night elfs do not like the elves of silvermoon yet. In the quest
Darnassian Intrusions you are asked to defend eversong from night elf infiltrators.

Dwarven Spies - in the quest The Dwarven Spy you are tasked to kill a dwarven saboteur

The Scourge - The blood elf intro is heavily based on the scourge. Silvermoon is split in two. The scourge continue to threaten along the scar. Sylvannas was once their greatest champion and has experience fighting Scourge.

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No more elves!

(I say this in jest i could care less if people do or dont want elves)

Every race in the real world and on Azeroth has multiple cities and are still considered the same species.

Except High Elves. High Elves ONLY exist in Silvermoon, anywhere else and you don’t exist. According to Horde Andies


Imagine being mad about the blood elfs. Instead of celebrating their return to glory with the horde. If your are a true silvermoon lover you should be ashamed

This person quite literally just stated the same thing as me. I guess everyone is wrong and only you are right lol

The high elves, or quel'dorei ("children of noble birth" in Darnassian and Thalassian[7]), are a race descended from the night elf Highborne who left Kalimdor and settled in the Eastern Kingdoms, founding Quel'Thalas. The high elves were once a significant force on the continent, but in recent times their numbers have been dramatically reduced: approximately 90%[8] of their population was slaughtered during the Third War.[9] Following this, 90% of the surviving high elves changed their name to "blood elves" or sin'dorei (children of the blood in Thalassian)

From the wiki, which is an official excerpt from the Warcraft Encyclopedia. Please stop quoting me unless you do even the basic amount of research.

The ones in stormwind seem to be the desire. Which has a unknown population that blizzard has perhaps wisely, been unwilling to give us.

Can’t wait until they get a warchief and commit genocide too.

did NOBODY read that sentence correctly?

It says 90% of the High Elves IN QUEL’THELAS DURING THE ATTACK died.

Not “90% of high elves died” not “90% of high elves were in Quel’Thelas”

The remaining 10 percent are what is referenced here:


This wiki quote literally cuts context from the quote posted in this very thread.

The accurate statement here is:

“90% of the High Elves in Quel’Thalas was slain, 10% of those survivng 10% of Elves in Quel’Thalas changed their name.”

Missing context still.

You first. Considering your researching is cherry picking until someone says something in a way that can be misunderstood as agreeing with you.

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Alleria is married to a human. So that kind of helps keep you in the allaince orbit. Does that make her a different race?

Are we talking about politics or race here?

If they are the same race, then it sounds like you just don’t like the politics that evolved in their story.

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The Silver Covenant lived in Stormwind and they also had High Elven Lodges throughout the world. With most of thier people actually being Hunters, Warriors, and Priests.

The only class really they never were, is Warlocks.

Arator is also technically a child of the Silver Covenant and is a Paladin. As a lot of Half Elves were SC members in the lore. Granted there weren’t that many Half Elves until Hallowfall, where they are ALL some degree of Half, Quarter, what have you Human/High Elf

Yes, I largely play Blood Elves, and only really got into the Alliance when Void Elves were coming, I prefer Alliance aesthetically and the SC High Elves. But Blood Elves is what I played mostly until I got them.

No those are the Blood Elves.

The High Elves never left the Alliance, and some when back to re-join the Alliance after Silvermoon Joined the Horde. Because they didn’t like the races of the Horde for thier past actions.

Alleria was one such Elf. A lot of them stayed with the Alliance and moved to Stormwind after thier initial War Parties.

The ones who DIDN’T change thier name, did so out of an act of Defiance of the Horde and the Silvermoon Magisters, to stay with thier Human Allies.

You kinda seem to be missing a LOT of crucial lore.

Can you even read?!

I literally told you that 90% of the Surviving Elves became Blood Elves. Which you quoted
so WTF.

only 10% of the remaining Elves post Slaughter became Alliance or Neutral High Elves, which is still 1% of the population they had before Arthas struck

"The few high elves to survive the Scourge’s invasion quickly grew ill and apathetic. It became clear that they had become addicted to the Sunwell’s arcane energies. Being constantly suffused in magic had fundamentally changed their race. Now that the source of their magic was gone, they were suffering acute pangs of withdrawal. "

"The blood elves no longer consider themselves high elves, and they have different priorities and behaviors than their high elf kindred. "

They are literally a different race according to the dubiously canon “Encyclopedia” which is also the ONLY source horde andies use.

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No, thats 90% of the overall High elf population, any and everywhere. Leaving 10% alive.
Then 90% of that population changed their names to Blood elves.

So that would leave a very small fraction of High elves who remained with the Alliance in compared the ruling majority that left the Alliance and returned home. So if we ask ourselves, who better reflects the views, and opinions of the original, traditional High elves it would be the 90% that eagerly LEFT the alliance and returned home.

In fact later on in the Encyclopedia directly states it again

During the Third War, Prince Arthas Menethil and the Scourge laid waste to Quel’Thalas, wiping out most of its population and reducing large tracts of the mighty kingdom to ash in his quest to reach the Sunwell.

No you didn’t read correctly.

The remaining 10% I mentioned became High Elves.

Before Arthas there were 100% Elves.

After Arthas, there were 10% Elves left alive

Of those 10%
90% of them stayed loyal to the Crown and became Blood Elves.

Meaning the remaining 10% I mentioned is indeed just 1% of thier population overall.

and Void Elves make up like 5%-ish.

We know, you’re not using your brain to follow the math.