Can we finally get playable the high elves?

alleria was never a void elf. the devs just shoehorned her into being one because they couldbt be bothered to make AN ACTUAL ELF LEADER FOR THEM LIKE IDK THAT ONE XALNATH ELF or whatever everyone crows about.
#make alleria great again.

Here me out……
Sparkle dwarf elves

Yes, and look where we are now. After patch 9.1.5, a large amount of the High Elf community have moved on. Think about it, why are the High Elf threads now somewhat rare to see.

It’s okay bread, just take a deep breath.

You can think they’re garbage, but they are definitely canon.


Literally this -

I would be for story for both show casing High Elf story on both sides, whether about the Wayfarers for VEs or High Elves returning to Quel’thalas under the Blood Elf banner like Lanesh whose been present w Blood Elves since MOP.

They could even go so far as to give both a racial like the Eredar for Draenei get, where it’s changed slightly to nod to the fact. Or just let both sides have a sub race system access to changing the name.

But all in all there is a well put together thread already High Elf Customization Thread (Legacy of the Quel'Dorei)


True, because “canon” is whatever the creator says is “canon”


No, you may not.

Indeed. One may not like the story they’re telling, but it is their story to tell.


blizzard can say theyre canon all they want. im not going to accept it. their storytelling is awful. this is a hill im gonna die on.

It does not matter if you accept it, The Fact is if they were to add a race of Flying rainbow hippos that shoot fairy dust out of one eye and green ooze out of the other, then said it was Cannon, It is.


But that has nothing to do with whether they’re canon or not, you don’t get to decide what is canon in someone else’s world.


blizzard storytelling has been terrible since cata. non of their lore has been acceptable. I dont care. alleria is a high elf. i do decide what is canon. you people are all wrongs and i mute this thread.

They could change ALL of the windrunners into Dreadlords and be like LEL fooled you all.


On an unrelated note, Reese’s new Caramel Big Cups are great :smiley:

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Blizz has got to be one of the only companies that can make its players HATE the product and still keep them :rofl:

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May be the unpopular opinion but…I hope they don’t. We’ve got enough elves, they let Void elves and Blood elves look like high elves as a subtle way of saying they’re not giving you straight out high elves but nobody has clued in on that it seems. How about Naga that are free of the void, they used to be elves but they’re not…and I’d happily take naga instead of more elves at this point. That or hey Saberon would be amazing as well…or gnolls.


:frowning: RiP Feral Druid talent.

I know the one you mean and yeah I’ll agree…it was rather cool but now it may be a sign they’re thinking to make them a playable race so having them as a druid talent conflicted with that…maybe? Lot of nice WoD talents got yanked…like hunters used to have one called Elemental Ammo that for I think five minutes made all their auto attacks fire either fire, ice, or poison rounds…which was rather nice but also got yanked