Can we do something with the Garrisons?

A lot of people hated the garrison or were disappointed by it when it came out in WoD.

But there’s some people who are still taking care of their garrisons to this day. I have a couple of guildies that like to hang out in their garrisons and do stuff in them.

Can we have an update or do something with them in the future?


Go ahead and say it. :slight_smile:
I have the link ready. :slight_smile:

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


I always liked my Garrisons. I still visit them regularly and still decorate them for the holidays.


To an alternate timeline that probably doesn’t even canonically exist anymore? Probably not.

And I’d rather see them put time into proper player housing, not the half baked whatever it was that they attempted with Garrisons.


i still use the garrison, I want to be able to put it in different locations, be nice to walk out of my garrison and be in DF.


And boom goes the dynamite.


It would be a great idea if all our alts could use the same garrison.


One could hope.

I always thought of Garrisons as a place I enjoyed going to work at instead of a home. I would definitely like to have real housing though.

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Be sure to read the thread :slight_smile:

That would be cool… same with Order Halls.


Strongly disagreed with when you originally posted it… nothing has changed. :person_gesturing_no:


It’s not a thread to be agreed or disagreed about. That is a thread that is spitting facts over a dead horse that has been kicked so many freakin’ times.

But you do you. You probably didn’t even read it.

I don’t get it

Meh. Don’t worry about it. :slight_smile:

Blizz certainly isn’t going to go back and do anything with garrisons, unless something ends up being exploited and has an impact on max level player power and/or the endgame economy. Since neither of those things are particularly likely, they’re probably going to stay as they are.

Which I consider a good thing. Anything Blizz touches these days ends up breaking, so the less they touch, the better in my book.


I Airbnb mine to Orcs visiting Frostfire for the holidays.


Would be nice if we got Garrisons 2 as an evergreen outpost to go with Warbands. I think a lot of the development that the scope of the project got eaten up by just making it an expansion feature to tie in so heavily into WoD. As a base for the warband feature, something supported beyond 11.0, the devs would have a lot more room to play.


None in your thread just your opinions. But you seem to need to troll every player housing thread so carry on I guess. :person_gesturing_no: :rofl:

I just started to dabble with the Garrison feature a week or so ago after reading so many folks positive feelings towards them.

As far as player housing is concerned, I didn’t actually feel the Garrison felt like player housing as much as a base. And I liked that. I’m splitting hair on the terms, but for me “housing” is more literal.

I thought it was a very fun hub to build and level. I also thought it was neat how you needed to take over landmarks in other zones to continue building it. I can see how this could be very fun to develop and level in a ‘live’ expansion.

It did feel very very solo player-esque. Which I didn’t mind. I wouldn’t mind seeing something along these lines in the game.

Player housing? I’m not sure I would like that as much in World of Warcraft.

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