I’m sure some thought those who kept asking for Vanilla were beating a dead horse. Especially when Blizz kept saying they weren’t gonna do it.
This sounds so wonderful. I want player housing.
Are you blaming player housing for the death of Wildstar? Because that’s a new one.
People don’t have to stop advocating for something they actually want in the game, just as those did for Vanilla servers. And Blizzard even told them no multiple times. If there’s a large interest in it, and Blizzard sees ways of using it as player retention or improving MAUS, I bet they’ll do it. They could use some easy wins right now.
Sounds like you need to start playing Animal Crossing!
WoW housing will be the thing that yoinks back a large number of players. It needs to be implemented not as the main sole feature of an expansion, but also can’t be half assed like the wod garrison.
Blizz could make money with housing. A few may even sub solely for housing. If the lawn has stables? Or inside has hooks to place pets? People may buy the store stuff.
Of course they can do it. The team at FF14 have done an amazing job with player housing whilst on a significantly smaller budget to use on these features.
Player housing done right will absolutely pop off in WoW and bring in a lot more casuals. Personally I don’t care about gear, I want something else to chase and that something is player housing.
I enjoyed Garrisons but the items you get from it are outdated, as i also enjoyed the farm in MOP.
I didn’t mean budget, I mean spaghetti code. 17 years of code slathered on top of the base game could make it challenging; FF14 has similar issues with bad coding from the initial game causing issues with updates.
Agreed, if they do it well. And especially if they do it better than FF14, which until you can get a house is a horrific slog that crushes the spirits of anyone trying to get a house.
I’m playing FF14 for the housing. If Blizzard introduced housing and did it better, I’d live here.
FF14 is about to get farms too.
Blizzard is really dropping the ball here.
Housing should be right outside SW or Org.
Or an item in your inventory allowing you to teleport to your house
That’s what got me excited about Endwalker. But I can’t even get a freaking house to save my life. I’ve put 100 hours into trying to get a damn house already. So if Blizzard offers something better, I would jump ship so fast…
FF14 itself isn’t a bad game, but the housing and farming was what I wanted most and it has such a monumental gate for entry.
I understand FF14 likes the feel of neighborhoods, but then they need to add a substantial amount of wards so people aren’t spending 100s of hours just to get one stupid, small house.
For World of Warcraft, I don’t mind instanced housing. They could still do neighborhoods, and actually it would be kind of cool to flesh out some towns in the game where people could buy property there (like imagining a home in Duskwood or The Barrens). This could help spread people out so that going the neighborhood route might not be so dagger in the stomach painful as FF14’s.
It’s called an Inn. 2-- when you log out, your character “rests”.
What kind of engine do you think this game runs on?
FF14 and many other games are doing it.
Because they have the engine in place that can handle it.
Gadgetzan housing pls Blizzard. Some of us live the mercenary dream.
We’ll never have the opportunity to appreciate it, because the current devs don’t appreciate their players enough to do anything other than raise ilvl on the same dungeon drops all expansion and repurpose armor sets for two patches.
I guess they’re really good at designing fights, but that’s all they got.
Like garrisons, you cannot customize what you get. The island is the very shape you are limited to, and everyone gets the same layout. Not very nice, but also not too big of a deal. It is also instanced… takes you out of the world and lacks immersion like real world housing, but again – pros and cons.
Finally, and this is a big one: major lack in customization options compared to FFXIV. It simply cannot compare. First of all, the selection of items is really bare, you cannot enter the buildings you place on your plot, nor can you customize them to any degree either. It is far inferior to FFXIV in every dimension, having ‘more land’ does not really make up for it. Once you gain affinity with NPCs you can have them in your island, but again they add little flavor and have zero AI unlike in the WoW garrisons where you’ll see them do stuff and interact, which gives it flavor and life.
And, like the thing most people criticize WoW for, you use the island as a place to send NPCs out on missions and other stuff, not unlike the garrison. There is also the problem of taking people out of the world (since its instanced) if you make it a place worth staying at. If you don’t, then it is a “waste of dev resources”.