Can We Build a Home?

My night elf has been roaming Azeroth for almost 17 years without a home. I’m not talking about the Garrisons of WOD, but instead I imagine building a custom home where I can rest my weary head. A place to build and customize by using all of the resources of the land. A cozy home with a warm crackling fireplace. Maybe a treehouse, or a cabin, or eventually a castle? Customizable on the outside as well as the inside. I could plant a garden to use for recipes in my custom built kitchen, perhaps build my home by a lake and go fishing for dinner. Just a dream I’ve had for a long time now.


I’ve wanted this for ages, but part of me wonders if the system can even do it, honestly. Still, I’ll always advocate for housing.


Sounds lovely.

Count me in.


Not sure if WoW will survive long enough for a player housing to be installed in the game.

WoW is sinking.


If they could pull it off, I think a lot of players would enjoy it.


I honestly agree with this. The hardcore raiders and PvPers can scoff at the idea all they want, but housing could be such a simple way to give players a sense of permanence in the world that can be carried expansion to expansion, and it could be used to revitalize professions. The cost of housing items in FF14 can get insane, and professions have been dead for ages.


“Simple”… yeah right.

Player housing has been a big request for a very long time now. Blizz has commented on it before though saying players don’t really appreciate the sheer amount of work involved in an optional cosmetic feature like that.

It might happen eventually, but it hasn’t been high on the totem pole and Blizz hasn’t found time for it.


Player housing is one of the most glaring things WoW is missing that a lot of other MMOs do right.


I never said the implementation would be simple. However, it is a simple way to give the game permanence, because if they added new furniture or decor every expanse it IS a permanent feature.

If they did it better than FF14 (100 hours of house hunting and still no house here……) I’d probably drop FF14 immediately and stick to WoW for good. And really it’s not hard to do better than the horrific acquisition of housing in FF14, so it’d be an easy win to keep me.


Which is why I want a boat and WoW: Windwaker / Dragon Isle expansion. Sea battles. More fleshed out island expeditions, etc

Actually let us sail between continents


Just empty entire Plaguelands, restore em, and let us build new homes there as neutral region.


i agree somewhat. The devs, aside frome being understaffed, are being lazy. The tech is there as well as the code. The “phasing” code has been around since TBC and WOD for the garrisons.

You people do realize if they implement housing they’ll ruin it, right? Stupid restrictions like racial style only or main city only.

What you’re looking for is a new game. Specifically this:

I know i’ll be leaving wow once it comes out.


I’d be happy to have a home I could build and add things to. Unlock items from dungeons and raids as well as world drops. Crafted items could give a boost to professions. It would give me something tangible, hopefully permanent, that could give me more reason to play.


All I could think on my way home from defeating the Lich King the other night was I just wanted to go home and lay my head down. Then I realized I had no home and the only place for me to lay my head down with either a noisy inn with a shared room or a slab of cement in my garrison’s townhall.

So, at this point, I would settle for anything, even just a room or a one room house would make me happy, that I could call my very own.


WTH is a “community simulation game”?

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I mean we can keep asking for them to, like, not do that?


This game has already declined to the point where blizz cant even make the effort to do tier sets. There’s no way they will do housing this close to sunset.