You’ll be a murder hobo and you’ll like it.
You’ll be a murder hobo and you’ll like it.
Where do we actually live by the way in the wow Universe ? on the street like some peasant or like a wild animal in the open world
Not with the current design structure of the game. Even let’s just talk basic stuff. House styles, how does this work? Do we all get the same flat thing to kind of work with? How about additional furnishings? Additional house styles if possible, are they achievement based or are they just a flat gold amount? Gold amount? How much is reasonable for people that won’t lead to people bawling their eyes out that what they want is “too much”?
For all intents and purposes, I think housing would feel very empty because the game isn’t really built to support it (like can you sleep in your bed? Can you sit in any chair? Can you interact and drink from a keg furnishing or does it just exist?). However I think the single biggest problem it would encounter would be from the logistics of how to implement additional options, and how to do so in a way that doesn’t absolutely enrage the playerbase. Imagine crazy house styles being locked being Mythic raiding. While sensible, holy hell would people grab the pitchforks and torches.
Same, it’s a noble goal and feature to want. Just because the company is incompetent, the game probably not being able to support it, or the playerbase likely having every conceivable problem with what you would reasonably get doesn’t mean it’s a bad system. I hope they manage to do this when they inevitably have to remake the game and start fresh.
One of my fav mods in skyrim is you find a little hideout and can make a home in it. It’s just cozy.
I’m not super thrilled about player housing but if we were given something I would at least prefer something like this
its an alternative for ppl like me who dont play FFX however
I like it, to each there own
The next expansion should just be all about building houses, starting a family, getting a job, and all that jazz. Just the most casual of all expansions.
World Building of Warcraft
I’ve said it before…
As long as that house is
for my character to progress,
and we don’t “lose a raid tier”,
I couldn’t care less.
But this is Blizzard…
So it can be done
I’d gladly sacrifice a raid tier or two for housing.
But I do agree that it should be completely uncoupled from power progression, especially expansion specific ones.
If they wanted to add an evergreen feature then housing could it it. Just think, each expansion brings something different and allows you to further customize your house. This would work for future and past expansions.
Personally I would prefer one house per server where all my toons, both Horde and Alli, can hang out.
I absolutely want player housing. The game has SO many different furniture models and do-dads that they wouldn’t need to do any art design. Just a quality in-game UI / placement tools coupled with the ability to acquire those furniture items in ways that are fun and make sense.
The only stipulation is that I do NOT want housing if it is tied in anyway to my player power. I’m fine when doing contact to earn furniture and the like, but my house should not make me feel more powerful, and I shouldn’t feel like I have to do it. I want housing to be a separate system, like Pet Battles, as opposed to another Garrison.
If this were to be added, there are 2 things (in my opinion) should have.
Unfortunately the game world (not the lore world) is just too small for the million remaining players to be able to build a home without it being instanced/phased, and when it’s instanced or phased it doesn’t feel as immersive, like the WoD garrison.
Yes, in games designed for it to be a part of it.
Which is not WoW.
They could add it in. The game WoW was 20 years ago is not the same it is today, nor will it be in 20 years from now.
Without innovation WoW would’ve died many years ago. I think there’s a place for it in WoW as well as the technology to allow it to happen.
I mean we nibbled with it during garrisons.