Can We Break Certain Automated PVP AddOns?

Perhaps it was one of the other 30 enemy players?

Wait, you’re complaining about epic battlegrounds? LOL I thought we were arguing about something which matters like arena. Gladius does not work in epic battlegrounds. You’re complaining about an addon which does not activate in the type of content you’re doing.

Likely NOT when I drop it in the middle of a cluster of people. AoEs don’t affect them. You have to single them out.

Ok I’m gonna chime in here, how does it make the tank bad if they are outdpsing a dps?

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So, in your mind, there’s zero chance that 1 of the possible 40 players in an epic BG took the time single out your totem, and the ONLY way it died was because of an addon

I mean if your not gonna use the in-game macro function then yeah your probably bad at the game compared to someone who does

Name the addon

I realize this is sarcasm, but this literally happens to me ALL the time.

I’ll be trying to tab target to an actual player and instead get nothing but totems and pets. And not even ones that are near me. Like halfway across the room.

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In dungeon, np. In raid, it may or may not be a problem. It’s the relative dps difference between the two tanks. If one tank is doing significantly more damage, than the other tank can’t take aggro, high dps tank dies first, then other tank, then wipe. The high dps tank is a bad tank in that case.

You can’t even make a target=totem, psyfiend, warbanner etc macro. Haven’t been able to since… WoD? They don’t make any such addon (widely and openly available that is) that performs such function. I can usually snipe a totem in a half a second… like I never get hit by capacitor totem. I don’t even use any name plate addons for them either. But I do know it’s possible to make a weak aura for such minions as psyfiend and totem that make their nameplate HUGE

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What if the low dps tank is the bad one? Could be using an ability wrong or not at all for instance.

Yes, you can. Summon a totem and type /tar for it

Could be, but the tank’s job is to manage aggro and live. DPS is bonus, but if they are not managing their aggro and dying because of it, then they’re not doing their job.

I mean YOU can obviously since it’s a friendly unit, go duel with a /cast macro for capacitor
Totem against an enemy shaman

I’ve had instances where my auto attack was enough to pull threat off the other tank, so I had to legit turn my back to the boss while the other guy tanked.

Doing no dps at all isn’t exactly a good thing either.

The 2 tanks in your experience… one of was probably just way better geared than the other, happens alot in pug runs.

:thinking: thinking in Warrior

takes axe and cuts off leg

/tar zug nub

It no work :[

There are lots of ways to target and kill totems, but I thought totem stomping macros (the ability to /tar Totem-name) were broken way back in Vanilla. Can you do that again? If so I’ll need to polish off my old macros :slight_smile:

Type in the name, it’s targeted, apparently.

Simple solution.
Play a Real pvp game.

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Yeah…the one with all the dps was a prot pally ilvl 183. Not sure about the other guy. Not disagreeing that both low and high dps tanks can be good and bad thing. Tanking isn’t easy. First time I tried to tank for a raid boss with my pally, I forgot I had a taunt button. I was used to ret and had never tanked before trying to do heroic raid boss (this was for sure bad on my part but we were tired of looking for tank)