You keep applying the word “vile” to the things that other people are doing, but never to some of the comments you’ve made.
Why is that?
You keep applying the word “vile” to the things that other people are doing, but never to some of the comments you’ve made.
Why is that?
They don’t view it as vile.
I’m still out of likes. Here’s a cookie.
Because Overwatch Streamer mode has nothing to do with forums. If to make an equivalent, it is like playing World of Warcraft with your BNet set to Offline mode and no one being able to see your character name.
Note to mod: check the edit history on the post that this is a reply to.
Do you pronounce SCUBA as scoobah or scuhbah?
I am not doing any of that, though.
We’re not twisting it around, you’re ignoring the full dangers and risk.
Huh, I don’t use that word much.
I’d say the second one maybe
That is fully anonymous, what part of that do you not understand??
You are ALREADY ANONYMOUS, you just can’t stand the fact that people know what kind of person you are so you want to hide behind “anonymous” so no one can link you to your own toxicity.
Keyword: streamers. You’re not streaming the forums, are you? You can’t stream snipe the forums even if you were streaming them.
The only thing you’ve explained is that you feel unsafe because people are looking at your post history on a PUBLIC FORUM.
I feel unsafe with you trying so desperately to push anonymous posting.
That’s the thing with acronyms, they don’t need to be pronounced as their individual letters. Otherwise LASER becomes lahseer instead of layzer.
No it’s not.
He also said in that post to not bring up stuff from other platforms again:
Note to mods: again, edit history.
If it’s at least close to the acronym’s base word then i think it’s fine.
Like how we say MacDonald’s instead of McDonald’s.
wait, you say mac instead of mic? :o
No Micky D’s?
What about JPEG then? The P stands for Photography, which is a completely different sound.
Basically what I’m trying to say is GIF is just as accurate as GIF. One is supported by the creator and the other is supported through common usage.
Yes, I also say mic. My last name starts with Mc, so I’m just used to saying it that way.
But clearly we should all be fancy people and call it the Golden Arches
I order a Big Mac not a Big Mic
I remember seeing an article saying it’s actually pronounced “yiff” I don’t remember where it’s at, though.
OK, so there is one wrong way.
Sometimes the J letter adopts a more Y sounding word.