Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

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The real flaggers never post, they just stalk and flag.

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Yas give me double the laughing kitty!

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Pretty sure throwing dirt on the OP counts as a twist.


Not letting someone pretend to be a good person when they say vile things is not throwing dirt on someone. She hasn’t once owned up to it or apologized.

All she’s done is say we’re twisting her words, misquoting her, lying or stalking her. None of which is true.


It’s not so much throwing dirt as them showing up covered in mud.


Its Blizzards job to make the call on those types of behaviors.

Not the outraged mob baying for payback.

Account wide ignores would solve sock puppets


so would battle tags on the forums.

just say no to anonymous posting


No one has said a thing about payback. You’re once again trying to cause problems by insisting on something that isn’t true.

She is pushing the narrative that anonymous posting is better because she’s been called out for her vile behavior. That is the ONLY reason she wants to be fully anonymous, because her reputation has been ruined by her own actions.

Actions you clearly approve of, so really, you’re just as bad as she is and your opinion, to me, means absolutely nothing. Have a great day :slight_smile:


It’s telling that you view following the idea out to its logical conclusion as “throwing dirt”

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how would battle tags solve sock puppetting though?

If the OP was as vile as you made them out to be, would they still have their posting privileges or would this topic even still be up?

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the only way they wouldn’t is if someone put in the effort - and cash - to spin up a 2nd subscription.

at that point, if someone is that dedicated to their trolling, they’re not only foolish, but they’re stupid.

but battle tags not being 100% protection against sock puppets and instead only 99% doesn’t mean they won’t be beneficial.


it is a cooardinated group. They first edited and misquoted my posts, then someone did “re-search” and found someone edited my quote 3 years ago and providing now it as an evidence…

WHat reputation? I could have posted this from new character if i wanted. Point is people editing my quotes and posts. You did too. in previous topic.

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“Sock Puppetting require the use of alts. Battle Tags would remove their ability to hide on alts.”


yeah exactly - someone could just make a new account and then they would have different battle tags anyways.

so the implementation of btags really doesn’t solve that issue in anyway.

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just post on more than one account - the same person would have different btags.