Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

This is admittedly the last post I will be making in response to you, specifically - but also the last for a few hours, as I have work to get back to (and hopefully finish early, so my wife and I can go out to eat tonight).

But, if someone is putting another forum user on ignore… that typically means they do not want to engage with them, in any capacity. It is very rare for stalkers to put their stalking victim on ignore, less so simply to find out if any of the potentially thousands of people posting on the forum on a daily basis happen to be their alt(s).

And even if such a scenario were to occur - would not the solution simply be to fix the ignore system so that it will simply purge the ignored user from existence, effectively? None of this ‘view 1 hidden message’ nonsense we currently have. I think ignores should work more like actively removing the person from another user’s purview entirely; there is usually a good reason someone is being put on ignore, and as they say - out of sight, out of mind, yes?


yes, it currently doesn’t happen because the current forum setup does not allow that, which is why i believe we should not change it because then it would allow this behavior.

the ignore system works fine right now, if you want to ignore someone, you place them on ignore and that’s all you need to do.

then if someone new comes and says things to you that you don’t like, u can ignore that person too, whether that new person is a completely new person or if it happens to be someone’s alt - you can ignore them just the same.

also there is a blue post that says sock puppetting is not very common.

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Feels like you are ignoring my questions… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Fine, fine fine… I’ll say yes. But I better get some gifs eventually! :rofl:

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They aren’t going to care because it’s friends over foes. The friends can commit a crime and get away with it. It’s already been pointed and proven that several pro-taggers are not doing this in good faith.


I see you’ve omited my comment to him where i’ve basicly sorta told him off on that or told him to cool it. :thinking:

I’l quote here because, i’m not gonna give Earl Muck my money just to rid of a few swear words just to please Blizzard.

As much those people hose me off, i’m not going to wish violence upon them.

Esp since more people are against those (Hogwarts Legacy Protestors i was talking about) then with them. Even the LGBT+ people dislike those protestors and how detestable they are.

Esp since HP is diverse to begin with.

If all you had was my BattleTag, there’d be no way to find out any of my characters. If all you had was my character, then you could find all of my other characters.

And an account-wide ignore could only figure out what characters you use on the forums. Which is why sock puppets are so against it.

That’s because you don’t understand how these systems even work.


Ironic coming from someone who is “friends” with a person who is perfectly fine with handing out death threats.


How about you explain the full story Pawzer before playing victim in all this, especially how Vrak has pulled you up about all this.

This also includes linking screenshots of the said Twitters.

Seriously, we get it, what Storm and Bari did the other day is not cool, but since you’re continuing on with all this, long after it has all happened, it is time to move on, and just ignore them if you have too. But you were not in the right the other day with your behaviour too, putting it in with Blizzard’s term, with the name calling and the harassment you were doing.

Enough is enough!


you do know that people post on different characters on the forums for legitimate reasons right?

  1. showing off transmog on their other character for a transmog thread.
  2. changing to their druid to discuss druid talent changes and balancing
  3. changing to their pvp main character to discuss what changes would be best for the new pvp season.
  4. posting from their character with the highest mythic plus rating to discuss mythic plus class and dungeon balancing.

with account wide ignores, if someone wanted to not have their main linked to their alts, they would have to never post on any other character ever again - and that is simply not fair, nor is it conducive to a healthy forum discussion.

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All you’d get is the ones they posted on, not every single character they have.

Y’all need to turn in your victim card and get some new arguments.


Stuff like this is what I’m pointing out, with their own it’s ‘just ignore and forget’ but vs others it’s ‘never forget, always call out. Supposed to be accountability!’

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How many times do I have to report someone for accusations? Or talk to Vrak or a mod myself.

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You keep talking about holding your side responsible, but the pro-anon side is the first to “ignore and forget” all the vile stuff that Nelfas has said in the past.


I am not pro-anon (As described in the OP), thank you though. I have also not shown support to any of said posters, nor really responded to them, or liked any post.

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It’s not an accusation if it’s the truth. Nelfas has threatened people before and they think that being ignored is worse than being threatened with death. These are facts, not accusations.


Oh, so you didn’t mean to reply to me? Got it.

exactly - so someone would literally have to be forced to never post from their alts if account wide ignores were implemented.

I’ve never told you to self harm yourself.

So how do I contact a mod? You guys keep saying I wished death upon someone and I am quite sick of it nor am I the OP or have any relations to them.

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