Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

I’m not saying to forgot, I am saying just ignore them and move on. Engaging and bringing it up is going to cause more problems than it will solve.


I have yet to see any of you call out Nelfas for the things they’ve said, even as recently as this year, but you’re very quick to paint the other side with a broad brush as soon as they say anything that you find offensive.


Where did I say I wished death upon someone?

you should just flag them and ignore them, do not engage further.

mods will check the post even if it is only flagged once.

Nobody has accused you of making death threats.

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This thread seems to also be a shining example as to why reading comprehension is so important.


Sure, you say that but do the same to many others. That is what I am mentioning. I would have no problem if people were not engaging with said person at all, but they continue to do so. I have been avoiding doing so, but it doesn’t really solve it.

I was told that I’m fine with death threats over something the OP said and because I agree with anonymous tags, I am guilty by association of that to a completely unrelated topic by the OP. So thank you very much for agreeing that I have never said this.

And you’re right, if you guys READ my post and stop trying to add words to my mouth we wouldn’t have that issue.

Still want to talk to a mod about it.

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I also personally think (not you) attacking people over pressing the like button (for any reason, it’s not a complete agreement like so many others think) should be reportable tbh.

Just you wait. As soon as I get level 3, I’m gonna follow you around, dropping cute cat gifs to make you smile :smiley_cat:


This is your post, correct? If you say we’re being “friends over foes” then you can’t cry to a moderator for help when the exact same thing is thrown back at you.


I have reported the very post of the accusation. Instead of that one getting deleted, a few of mine was that was already hidden, but not hers or anyone else that I reported on my own.

No I don’t want to be accused of something incredibly heinous over and over again like you’re doing and no matter how much I said I didn’t say that YOU KEEP bringing it up.
No reports work. So now I want mods.

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Can we just sticky this post for the next time?

:heart::heart: Extra hearts bc I don’t alt hop

Then stop making excuses for Nelfas. And stop accusing us of “covering for each other” as if we’re some coordinated group.


Here’s the thing, is all this worth getting actioned on the forums? I told you in CS, I tell you again here in GD, if they are engaging in such behaviour, report them on the forums, and let moderation deal with it. If they are harassing you on Twitter or any other platform, report them to the appropriate moderation of the platform. And just place them on ignore. Doing what you are doing now, is it really worth an action for?


How am I? I am my own person and have my own opinion. I don’t care or have any thoughts on her weird post about that. I’m talking about the topic which no one else can do.

And whenever we bring up Nelfas’s post history as proof as to why they can’t be trusted with fully anonymous posting, you just ignore it or pretend it doesn’t matter.

They have shown a history of being a nasty individual, and would only become more emboldened with reduced accountability for their actions.

That’s why anonymous posting will fail, because there are a number of people who simply can’t be trusted with it. That’s why we need actual improved security with either BattleTags or account-wide ignore.


You do not want in game characters to be linked to the forums.

With that being said.

Oh… I can’t wait to see what these reasons are.

Hmm… Wait a second… hmmm… Don’t you need to have your character linked to the forum for that?

Wouldn’t Matter, What would the advantage be for this? All you would need to do tell people that you have a Druid. Unless you mean so other players look at your Armory… Correct? hmm…

Ohhh… once again, it wouldn’t matter… Ohh you want people to look at that Armory again… Don’t you…

Absolutely no need to change a character at all. Just discuss it.

Because she said something in a different topic that I even agree was bad, HENCE me defending myself over and over again makes me apart of everything she is? I’m not defending her, I’m defending myself.

It was the same topic, just an earlier version of this one.