Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

Man, I could easily add

Moderator Note: Pineapple belongs on pizza

Although I think I’d be in the wrong to do so, doesn’t mean people are falsely flagging if they feel the thread is in violation of the Forum Code of Conduct. Everyone has the right to report if they feel something isn’t right, even if there is a moderators note attached to the post.

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for the forum user, that would be fully anonymous though, right? I’m assuming there’s no other identifying marks on your character if we’re all Anonymous.

I do recall you mentioning that because blizzard has our account info so we’re not truly, comprehensively anonymous here - but it could never be because in order to post here we need to have a unique identify (our account).

But to the point about nothing else would change, yeah. I can see that. If we’re just changing every poster to Anonymous, no achievement points, no armory tied to the anonymous forum posting handle, no character race/class, and no post count.

You still haven’t answered my question regarding if you feel you’d be flagged less by being anonymous, unless you’re stating that you’d be flag the same as Anonymous.

I’m down to have a conversation and I have been trying to respectfully see your points of view, but the lack of 1) follow up questions from you, characteristic of a discussion, and 2) the lack of answers, is frustrating to me.

You don’t owe me any answers, though, and I want to be the first to acknowledge that.

At any rate, I hope your forum posting is fear-free and enjoyable.

it is not reasonable

That isn’t for you to decide though. Everything is by a persons choice. Even if the post has a moderators note attached, they still have every right to flag a post if they feel it is in violation of the Forum Code of Conduct. They don’t get punished for being wrong, nor should they be punished for being wrong.

Please, explain how am I impersonating as forum moderation?

Because the last time I’ve checked, providing information is not impersonating as a moderator. I have every right to provide information.


Spreading misinformation is fine.

But god forbid you try to share actual real factual information posted by the mod team to clear up misinformation :roll_eyes:


So we are in agreement on the discussion.

To explain people’s hostility, most of them are people that have been around through the various incarnations of this same topic, the very first one they blatantly said they were trolling for attention, it was also the hotbed of several bad takes when they said someone was rude for ignoring someone that told them to uninstall life.

Lots of posts were pretty bad, a lot were deleted because people were reporting them. A secondary problem came up as people were claiming they were being reported because of their name and not the report where the contents of their message.

Another point I was making was that they never really defend their topic, they just deflect and disregard any opposing logic and it was even noted by the customer service rep they appealed to over the public forums that a lot of their responses were completely dismissing the point of discussion to repeat themselves and nauseam.

So what we’re left with, is a thread that can only really end with hostility because of the insincere methods the op uses in the discussion because once people are civil and only talk about the subject, the thread ends. All of the negatives and redundant points have already been lined up and explained to death, the positives more or less haven’t been weighed at all because they haven’t presented any aside from what if scenarios that the opposing arguments already cover better.

This topic is more or less a soap opera now where one of the main characters has been unalived three or four times already but keeps being brought back. People get heated and they get frustrated then the thread gets locked then it gets unlocked and absolutely nothing changes.

Each time they try and play the saint and say not to demonize people for their opinions, people are reminded that people only demonize them because their opinions were particularly bad or harmful. I can be fine with someone having an objectively bad opinion like pineapple on pizza, no I won’t make them out to be an awful person because of that but if someone tries to make a persuasive argument with no substance and just a roundabout rhetoric about how they know better than human history and that it is rude to want to distance yourself from harmful personalities, then sure, someone can totally be an awful person for those opinions.

People implying bad things about you may have only been because the method in which you hopped into the conversation to the defense of someone who did make those horrible statements by poking at people who are already fed up with these reruns. It gets even more absurd when the counterpoints are like saying that account wide features will turn people into Judge Dredd which and it’s absurdity is said to rile people up.


there is a difference between those things.

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You and your “buddies” scream the CoC and rules consistently, and you accuses some of us as “impersonating” a moderator?


Just because you look at it as spam, doesn’t mean it is spam. You know how many post of me quoting the Code of Conduct have been flagged and restored?

I mean, hey, if you feel my post are in violation of the Forum Code of Conduct, report them. I won’t hold it against you. But the decision is never up to you on whether it does violate the Forum Code of Conduct. You’re free to report if you feel it does, doesn’t mean you have the decision to say it does.


So people can anonymously troll anyone and everyone and everywhere until the forums are even more useless than they are now?

No. The biggest problem these forums have are people supporting their own opinions with alt characters or hiding behind alts to troll. What do you think STARTED all the checking of profiles and such in the first place?

What we need is for each account to have a single name which is used to post to the forums. That is as private as anyone needs. It would not be in any way linkable to your characters or to you personally – just a name you have chosen as your forum name.

The only people opposed to single-per-account-names on the forums are the people who are using their alts to echo chamber their own opinions, like their own posts, and troll others. Those are the only people complaining “omg, but then everyone will always know it’s me!!!” That’s the point. Without knowing who you are or who your characters are (without you revealing it), we will know it is you posting.

All this means is you don’t get to harass others without everyone knowing it’s you (identified only by your forum name) and you don’t get to reply to your own posts or like your own posts, etc, etc. It lets people put your butt on ignore if you’re annoying as all getout or lets them, from knowing what you have posted before, decide if you really know anything at all about the discussion at hand or if you’re talking out your ear when insisting something needs changing. There would be some level of accountability.

EDIT: Oh, and for all the flagging worrying above… People wouldn’t be able to SPAM FLAG on every alt they own either. Seems like more win-win.


You spend a lot of time gatekeeping on this thread.

Also there is No such thing as “partial Anonymity”, it’s either/or.


everyone has a different definition

As I said Madelke,

You’re not the one who gets to determind if a post does violate.


and the same goes to you :slight_smile:

In otherwords, now you’re just trolling. Cool story, want anything else to add?


i am just trying to engage in a productive conversation

thank you very much, have a lovely day

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No, you’re not. You’ve never once engaged in a productive conversation, Doobly. You’re just trolling, per usual.


The OP insists that she’s RPing as her Night Elf character on the OOC forums.

So you actually don’t support the OP, who doesn’t want full anonymous posting (because then she couldn’t be her Night Elf character).


Those 2 are just here to argue if you ask me