Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

Most of it is unsolicited.

Unless someone asks you shouldn’t need to constantly flash the rules to everyone because you feel they’re crossing lines or feeling uncomfortable by the prospect of them defining behaviors they’re uncomfortable with.

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They love to throw it around but they hate it when they’re shown a mirror.

Which is why this conflict will keep going…

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That’s funny considering the people for anon posting keeps telling us how we’re breaking the rules and how we shouldn’t do this or say that, yet… they’re doing the exact same thing.

It’s funny how they keep saying x is against the rules when it’s not (aka spreading misinformation) when Ayu is simply correcting that misinformation to try and help people understand.

If you want to get mad, get mad at your side, as well, because they are the ones constantly calling people out for being stalkers, liars, toxic, saying people are impersonating mods, calling mvps out by name for being disrespectful and constantly saying x is against the rules.

But you won’t, because you agree with them and not Ayu.


Since it just amounts to pointless arguing all around, I’d say there is not right side here.

There’s no wrong that can be put right or any right that isn’t wrong.

Only a third-party arbitrator could put this conflict to any real rest now, too much bad vibes between either side now.

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both sides have been bad, even vrak said this

I agree that there have been bad eggs on both sides, but the difference is that we admit it while most of the anonymous wanters refuse to admit when they’ve done or said something wrong.

They just double down with their nonsense and continue to blame everyone else for their mistakes.

At least I can say I’ve never told someone to end their life, nor have I said saying so is an opinion. At least I can say I’ve never wished death on others or called them stalkers without any proof.

At least I can say I have a genuine reason for not wanting anonymous posting. That’s a lot more than 90% of the anonymous wanters can say.

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Definitions are not subject to opinion. We already have partial anonymity. Saying that the official definition is wrong and you are substituting your own does not make it valid.


Your opinion on what the definition doesn’t matter here. Only Blizzard’s does.


This whole suggestion is dumb and not needed. If you are that paranoid about interacting on the forums perhaps you should just abstain altogether.


The same rules encompass you as well.

Ayukama, don’t engage, just flag. He’s purposely cheezing people off, hoping they trip so he can report (actually all of them are doing this).


I mean, yeah, but then later she said,

Well, that 2nd part is a lie.


I don’t think she knows what she’s asking for, honestly.


Why do you think I stopped responding to them? They are just twisting everything around to suit their own narrative. I chosen to just stop engaging with them.

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It is not up to you to determined on how someone post. If I link the Forum Code of Conduct to the post I end up flagging, that is on me. If moderation feels it is spamming, they’ll take action. But it is not up to you to determined on how someone post.


nelfas wants the posting to be anonymous to the users - not anonymous from blizzard.

that is what nelfas meant by not “fully anonymous”.

so fully anonymous to the users of the forum but not anonymous to blizzard.

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And, with the current iteration of the forum software, how do propose one does that?

Also how about ignoring and reporting posters?

You know why they won’t do that?

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