Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

Why does abuse have to be widespread before it’s stopped? Why not nip it in the bud?


It’s not against the rules for posters to post on multiple characters, why would you report them for not breaking a rule?

Class balance effects everyone’s enjoyment.

And of course not all of us raid. I sure don’t. But I know how my classes feel to play all the same.

edit: Maybe I should say class “design”.

If you ever see me giving strong opinions on the balance of pvp, feel free to shut me down. I have no experience there. I shouldnt be throwing out advice.

If there is additional rule breaking, and more work for the mods…that is a downside.

When its coupled with no positives…why implement it?

Why make more work with no upside?

What’s being abused?

Stop pretending that nothing happens. There is a lot that goes on within the forums, in which you seem to want to defend. Everyone here who uses the forums every day sees everything that does go on.


You seem pretty worked up yourself! Perhaps even projecting a little. Thankfully, this whole anonymous idea has no traction.

Suuuuuuuuuure. LIke having to hire a bunch more people to focus solely on moderation due to the increase in terrible posts, trolling, harassment…

Yeah, no downsides…

This idea remains the worst one I’ve seen in my personal opinion. Here’s hoping this one gets shut down like the others.


Not to mention, we have limited flags, too.

If someone is repeatedly saying bad things, we run out of flags. And flagging means nothing if… 4 others, is it? don’t flag, as well.

It takes more than one person to get a post flagged. So, again, people can slip through the cracks. It’s not a perfect system.

EDIT: I said unlimited but meant limited :face_exhaling:


Wrong, 4chan is a good example of the horrors of being anon.


Continuing the discussion from Are you kidding me?:


Kaurmine literally said this…

Did you miss the fact that someone said I wanted someone to not live anymore? I know you’re going to say no because you’re picking sides but it was uncalled for.

How do you know for sure this will happen? Do you know how many moderators there are? Do you work for Blizzard?

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Jaesears is doing all of their friends a service. It’s something many of us do. We’re interested in other people’s well being.
What you’re doing is proving you care nothing about other people who post here and their well being.

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Which is why people check armory to see if they are credible in their arguments.

Despite its positive uses, anonymity and identity shielding can also spur on harmful behaviours and generate new forms of harm, particularly against at-risk individuals and communities.

Anonymity is one of several factors that have been highlighted by our own investigations as a tactic used by those who seek to harm or abuse others online. There are two main reasons for this.

Firstly, being anonymous can make perpetrators feel uninhibited by the usual social standards of behaviour. By hiding their real identity or using fake profiles they can act without the fear of being judged for their actions or punished.

Secondly, being able to hide their real identity allows individuals and crime syndicates to pretend to be someone else and use that as a way to exploit others.

  • The ease with which anonymous, fake, imposter and impersonator accounts can be generated is a contributing factor to cyberbullying of children and adult cyber abuse, as reflected in a significant number of the complaints we receive through our reporting schemes.

  • Most image-based abuse complaints to eSafety relate to anonymous accounts on social media platforms. Image-based abuse means sharing or threatening to share an intimate image or video without the consent of the person shown. It includes sexual extortion, when scammers demand money or more intimate images.

  • Most investigations into child sexual abuse material involve individuals posting the content online anonymously. These investigations have shown that content contributors will go to great lengths to remain anonymous, often using one or more anonymising security measure to hide their identities.

  • Sexual predators and scammers also commonly use anonymous, fake, imposter and impersonator accounts to lure victims and gain their trust. For example, a sexual predator may use an avatar in a game to pretend they are the same age and gender as a child so they can become a fake friend and groom them for sexual interaction, which is online child sexual abuse. In catfishing cases, scammers often create a fake profile and pretend to have a personal history and characteristics that are attractive to the victim, so they are more likely to engage online and not be suspicious while in the relationship.

  • Some chatrooms and message board sites are specifically created for anonymous communication, allowing the fast and wide spread of conspiracy theories, discriminatory commentary and illegal and harmful materials, and even inciting acts of abuse, violence and terrorism.

  • Interaction with an anonymous account online can be very distressing for victims who are targeted by abuse. The fear that the perpetrator can continue to target the victim using another anonymous or fake account adds to the harm. For victims, anonymity can create barriers to reporting. This is because perpetrators using imposter or fake accounts are not easily identifiable. These fake accounts can be quickly discarded and replaced with new anonymous accounts, making techniques such as blocking and muting ineffective.

  • It is very difficult for regulators and law enforcement to identify and prosecute individuals and crime syndicates using fake accounts. It also makes it almost impossible for social media services and other users to deal with abusers breaching the terms of service, through strategies such as blocking and suspension, as well as preventing, detecting and removing multiple accounts operated by one user.

While conflict, harassment and targeted abuse are social and cultural problems, the role that anonymity plays in facilitating antisocial and illegal behaviour has been a growing cause for concern. However, it is important to note that preventing or limiting anonymity and identity shielding online would not put a stop to all online abuse, and that online abuse and hate speech are not always committed by anonymous or fake account holders.

Nevertheless, more can be done to ensure anonymity is not used to allow harms to freely occur. Steps can be taken by social media platforms to verify accounts before users start to operate them, or take down accounts that violate the terms of service and prevent them from resurfacing.

A balance is needed, where the misuse of anonymity and identity shielding is restricted without removing any of the legitimate benefits.

No downsides you say?


Don’t be so sure of yourself. Unless you work at Blizzard then you can’t see any of my alts.

No. It’s not worry about ‘having more people on their side,’ it’s the fabrication of ‘people.’ Are those individuals liking my posts me or another account’s player characters? Same goes for reporting. It’s the ability of one account to “like” a post multiple times, or to report a post multiple times.

Allowing characters to individually ‘wield that power’ (I write that somewhat tongue in cheek because this is a vg forum…) where folks who only log in and use one character don’t have that ability will manipulating the forums.

You can see the OP mentioning this issue here (which i agree with them, it is an issue), with using alts to false flag, which would not be an option if “1 Btag, 1 Flag” was instituted:

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People hiding on alts to create more “support” for their ideas. If your idea needs a megaphone to make it look more popular, then you should re-think your idea.

Second is people hiding on alts to evade ignores. If I ignore someone, I want to ignore that person, not just that specific character.

You might not think this is “abuse” but it’s annoying to deal with.


FYI, alt hoppers have unlimited Flags and Likes.


You’re replying to one that has only been here a couple of weeks now. It didn’t take long for them to get on my radar, and then the list.