Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

How do we know they are alt hopping? Oh yea, battle tags

Hypocrite says what? :thinking:


I was just thinking this lmao Calzones are soooo good


You don’t need to know if someone is posting on multiple characters, that’s not your concern. Don’t reply to them if you think it’s an issue.

Its definitely a concern if abused. Which it can easily be.


Ignore and report them. See how easy that is?

You misread. Trolling via multiple characters, i.e. sock puppeting. Not reporting people via multiple characters.

You misread the portion about the baseless accusations. Baseless accusations don’t belong in discussions, but not answering questions is perfectly fine.

I kinda do want to know if there are multiple people I’m talking to or just one bouncing around on different characters. I’d argue it’s actually kinda necessary to having an actual discussion instead of one side trying to just yell louder.


I, too, would like to know what they feel they cannot express within the framework of the existing forum mechanics.


What issue? The ones you keep making up? Don’t put vile things in peoples mouth to try and paint them in a bad light. You’re all getting so worked up over the fact someone suggested they wanted more privacy. Why do you care? Why do you need to know so badly who someone is? If they’re a troll, report, ignore, move on. Never respond to them. Which some of you can’t do. So here we are.

Sorry, I did misread, I apologize.

So you’re worried about who’s got more people on their side in a discussion instead of the context and substance of the discussion?

To date one of my fondest childhood memories that I still remember as if it were yesterday…

When I was sitting at the computer playing Warcraft 3 at the desk while eating a Calzone. I stuffed my face in that while clicking on the little Orc peons so they can say “WORK WORK”

Just chilling with a calzone, listening to Orcs and have my throat a little dry from eating too much without drinking anything.

I love that.


I support putting in systems to stop abuse. Especially when there is no downside.

You made baseless accusations against me that I wanted a “semantics argument”


Why do they have those feelings if they’ve never even participated in the content their talking about? That’s a valid counter point they’ve given.

Nobody is asking you to be a worst 1st raider, unless you’re talking about that.

If you’re talking about Heroic Raiding, it helps to have heroic raiding experience.
If you’re talking about raiding at all, it helps to have some level of raiding experience that isn’t LFR.

And contrary to what you may think, not everybody who plays WoW, Raids.

There are no downsides to full anon, the mods will report the ones breaking the rules.

What abuse is widespread that Blizzard doesn’t action for?

Obfuscate, obfuscate, obfuscate. :v:

If I’m suppose to flag and report alt hopping, how will we know they are doing it?

Never said I was “worried”. Just that I want to know if I’m talking to multiple actual people or just one person with a megaphone. And if they were that concerned about “context and substance” they wouldn’t be alt-hopping in the first place. So don’t try to pass the blame around to me.

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