Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

Well thank you for sharing as well. Is that a thing now, thanking people for everything they say?

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You sure about that?

You’re not answering the question. We are told to report and ignore alt hoppers, how do we know when they are alt hopping?

This implies that that people are posting on different characters. That’s for the mods to find out, not you.

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Who told you that it was your job to report someone who posts on multiple characters?

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I don’t work for Blizzard and I’m only replying to that as I’m required to under my terms of being an MVP. And yes, I do know how few moderators there are. It’s actually why threads like this are not instantly nuked unfortunately.

Take a deep breath though Kaine. It’ll all turn out fine whether they shut these forums down completely or move to a system more like b-tags.


My favorite part of these discussions is how people that support it, never really talk about it. Never participate in discussions about the topic.

But man. Do they derail and then get on to others for not adhering to the topic when their derailment goes sideways.


It’s because the mod is trying to give this topic a chance. It’s the same people coming here and derailing it.

Kinda odd an MvP acts so condescending.


Post on a level 10 Classic toon.

The crowd that wants anonymous posting tells us to ignore and report alt hoppers.
Their solution to one the problem of anonymous posting abuse will not work.

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Good Lord, “it not your job…” Sounding like a bunch of UIL Referees at a Texas HS Football game.

You realize you are one of those people. Right?


How can I report and/or ignore if I do not know for sure they are sockpuppeting? BTags would show me.


People that use anon forums literally explain why they prefer to be anonymous - because it lets them communicate without socialization oversight. You can be as mean, nasty or brutally honest as you want, because that psychological fear isn’t there.

I’m not even talking about this forum. But in others they see those types ofthings as an upside. That you can talk without having a mask on.

I think what people fail to actually compregend is that going mask off would also bring out the worst in people. I mean, really bring it out, highlight it in large 72 bold faced font.

These forums? These ones right here?
Yeah, they don’t need that.

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Shhh. Irony not allowed here on the forums.

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Your support of the topic is irrelevant.

You havent been talking about the topic. You have been derailing the thread from talking about the topic.

That makes you a person that shows up to derail the thread.

Would you like to discuss the topic?

I would like your opinion on what benefit full anon brings that isnt covered by what we have today. How is a person safer? specifically.


Why are you posting on a low level character not linked to any other characters on that account if you’re not worried about privacy?

what would you be doing differently with full anon that you’re inhibited from doing now?


Here you go!


They want everyone to be named “anonymous” so you can’t hold people accountable for what they say.