Can We All Agree That Not All Multi-boxers Are Bad?

Perhaps people socialize in different ways? Maybe instead of socializing on a game, they socialize with their RL friends. I do way more socializing on here than I do in game. My socializing in game consists of maybe helping someone take a mob down here or there and that’s it. I actually do way more socializing here on the forums than I do in my real life.

In my case, I like to take my time and just do whatever comes to mind. I might start a quest now and finish it up an hour later. Heck, I started a quest in the wetlands, killed one mob out of the ten I needed, found a place to log off and took a nap for like five hours.

Everyone has different views on socializing. I work nights, why? Because I can only deal with people so long before it makes me mentally exhausted. I don’t even attend family gatherings.

So I do apologize if I don’t find all the joy that you may in being a social person. I find it more exhausting than anything.

Because they haven’t released a single player version of WoW yet. I would empty my bank account if they made it and I could buy it. Get rid of all the social aspects and make it into a single player game. I would be in heaven.

Private servers risk Acti / Blizz shutting them down and since I don’t like PVP and almost all of the private servers I have seen are PVP. I’m left with playing an MMO in the style that works for me. As a general single player game.

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One, not everyone who multiboxes always multiboxes all the time.

Two, it’s none of your business how I play the game. It’s my 75 and I can play how I please.

Because sometimes I don’t want to.

You want to know what’s unhealthy?

Logging onto a voice chat only to be hit on by a bunch of teenagers because I sound like a female. To be misgendered and treated like a piece of meat and when I correct them I get called slurs for being transgender.

That’s totally healthy socialization right there. Not.

Because this is the game I play.

Because that’s illegal and I prefer not to do that.

I believe it’s important for people to stay in their own lanes and mind their own business.


using scripts, would be botting, and should be reported. Using the in game macro feature, that any one can use MB or solo player - completely fine.

Theres no difference to a multiboxer with 10 accounts hitting a node, than 10 individual people hitting a node (nodes tap out at 10) Nodes also disappear after a few seconds once ONE person taps them, so wether its a solo player or a MB, if your 5-10 seconds behind them on the route you will miss that node.

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id like to have WoW made into a solo game that runs on my desktop without a need for a server.
Id pay a pretty decent amount for it if bliz ever decides its time to shut the servers down.

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I mean, Since you keep twisting my words, claiming things others do as my fault, calling me pathetic, demeaning my arguments without other reason than it is “absurd” in your opinion.

I think I have the right of being annoyed.


"bad boxer stole my node (it didnt belong to you)

“bad boxer ganked me” (turn warmode off)

That’s why they should #bankeycloners and let them alt tab between clients.

Well clearly, there is a large market here of people who would want a solo WoW. Maybe they could make solo-servers with summonable bots to accompany you! Whatever it is, I hope you will find something that accommodates your wishes for the game.


I find them to be a bit of a pain in the butt when it comes to trying to scrounge up some Zin’anthid when I’m in Nazjatar. One lone panda can’t compete with that.

But beyond that, eh, I don’t really care.

your argument was pathetic…and absurd.
We’ve run out of old ones so the new one now is ‘boxers have a time advantage’
So yeah…exactly what i said

Let me save you some time…k?
I said what I said.
I meant what I said.
This has no bearing on the hunter forum exchange AT ALL.
And thats pretty much where I am.
You continuing to badger me about it isnt going to do anything but waste YOUR time in here.
Just thought you’d want to know

…and round 17 incoming

It would be cool because we could get TONS of mods like skyrim and other games have that add or change content. New races even.
They wouldnt do it while the game is live, Id think

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People keep opening new threads instead of using search.

Here. Cheating section clearly says it.

I don’t even need that to know what is cheating.

FYI, you can make them disappear with ignore. “View hidden reply” is nice.

A solo wow like dragon age would be quite fun. Thought I would totally prefer if we could like to recruit nps in the world, I so want to go around questing with the girls from Vol’dum

eh no, I gave up on you. I was actually just going to quote Wild cuz I find that cool.

I have accepted that you are rude and impossible to dialogue with. you whine whatever way you want. I’m tired of being polite.

That stuff respawns. And a multiboxer can only be at one node at a time.

If they’re using automation, then they should be banned for that. It doesn’t mean that multiboxing is bad. It means that botting is bad.

A multiboxer has their own weaknesses. They may seem powerful if you try to solo them, but bring a group and they’ll fall apart.

I love raiding, but I find it difficult to do the Mythic mode because they require exactly 20 players. I would love it if they could let you go in with exactly 13 people and have 7 NPCs or something! :smiley:

I loved when they brought in flex mode and I hope that they will do more things like Visions/Torghast where it doesn’t matter if you are one or five! I have two IRL friends that I play with often, but there is not enough 3-person content. I loved Island Expeditions :heart_eyes:

On that point there…I DO kinda sympathize with their beef on this point. Ive never ran into ten players farming a node before, so Im thinking that doesnt happen much at all.
But the 10 boxer hits each node and depletes it.
BUT…I can go farm somewhere else…go do something else.
IF I need that herb hes farming and IF the market is ‘destroyed’ as they try to claim…then isnt the boxer SAVING them time by farming it for them and selling it at bargain basement prices?
Seems win/win to me

if theyre trying to farm herbs on ONE character and think theyre going to get rich…that aint happening.
Pets…mogs…flipping…those are the things that make any real gold if one isnt boxing.

How about you keep multiboxing and I keep disliking multiboxers.

You’re paying to win, you don’t get to do that and demand others respect and like you.

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I am more into Mythic + since my schedule is quite rakity xD but it would be hella fun to be able to do raids with a combination of people and npc.

FFXIV has a similar mode with dungeons where you can go into a dungeon with npc companions and they even talk and roleplay in it and that would be so goooood in here too!

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Says nothing about multiboxing being cheating.

Meanwhile I have one article that explicitly states that multiboxing is not cheating and a second article that explains how to launch multiple copies of WoW.


I dont think boxers care if you respect them guy.
i dont box farm or pvp and I know I dont care who respects me