Can We All Agree That Not All Multi-boxers Are Bad?


I’m just paying to RP more than one dude at a time.

I mean, this thread begging people to like him because “I-I’m n-not like o-other multiboxers” sort of suggests otherwise mate.

There is nothing wrong with disliking multi-boxing.

I wouldn’t ever demand people to respect how I play the game. I do ask people to not spread lies and misinformation about my play style though.

Is that to much to ask?


When it’s 10 individual people it doesn’t run out instantly, with a multiboxer it does. And if the multiboxer is flying around the area then it’s extremely hard to get that resource without them swooping down and taking it while you clear trash. For a prime example ask any herbalist about the zin’anthid situation. It’s a complete joke with the plethora of multiboxers around.

I play the game, same as them. Why should they get all of the resources just because they paid more money?

Anyone can beat up a strawman. If you don’t want to argue in good faith maybe forums aren’t for you.


I think I should be able to play how I wish without people telling me to off myself.

Is that too much to ask?

That reminds me of the .hack series where the NPC’s in the party talked liek they were real people. It was neat.

We face constant bad faith arguments from antiboxers.

Are we supposed to play by rules when they don’t?

I don’t trust anyone who needs more than one box. Unless you’re building a cardboard box fort…

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Just because they’re not, “all bad” doesn’t mean anyone has to like multiboxers. They don’t bring anything good to the game, but plenty take away.


Zin’anthid in particular is a poorly implemented crafting material. It’s only available from one small zone. And that zone is now outdated, so there are fewer people going there, which means fewer shards being made. And that results in more herbalists per shard, since they’re just about the only people with a reason to keep visiting the zone.

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So is the issue that instead of the node being depleted in 1 second it still gets depleted in like 5 seconds?

It gets depleted either way. Time is kind of irrelevant isn’t it?

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Mate, multiboxing is a gameplay advantage that requires a monetary investment.

You can come up with whatever excuses you like, but at the end of the day it’s pay to win. Whether or not that’s against the rules I find it scummy.


Well you say this, but I’ve yet to be able to farm Zin’anthid in peace.


It can be done entirely with gold.

i dont even know for sure what a multiboxer is. but i know people hate them.

Not really, unless you can buy expansions with gold.

I don’t need more than one instance of the wow client to be open. I like having more than one instance open though, because it allows for me to play the game in a manner that I see fun.

Also Acti / Blizz has in the general game settings a setting that allows for a player to have more than one instance of the client open.

I think if people want to play with one toon or multiple toons. Whatever works for them.

Get their quicker. “problem solved”

deflection actually does suit you.

That…is a lie. I have a $500 prebuilt with a crap 1030 video card.
I can run 5 accounts very easily.
No…it AINT that much of an investment jjust to box.

Wat? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: