Those that use it properly and within the rules are more than likely a lot less people than those that bot and get banned. They’ve banned thousands of botters so I don’t really see your point there. The last one I heard of was over 8k people, someone posted a number earlier that was like 50k but I don’t recall seeing that one so I can’t confirm.
If you think multiboxers are affecting the global economy more than the bad systems and inflated gold into everything else then you’re wrong. I didn’t farm a single thing and made over 30+ mill in the first 6-8 months of bfa simply sniping which was roughly 20% of that and flipping boes/mog.
I haven’t touched carries this expansion because why would I want to put in effort to make gold when I can be lazy and probably make more with less time/effort spent.
You talk about Global then you give a reference example of yourself ?? wat??
My dear if everybody in US, EU, AU ,CN could make 30 m in 6-8 month easily
Then the token price in each of these realms would be abut 3- 4 million a month . I see it as 122 k gold now on US realms
INB4: Blizzard controls the token price
Nah I know we control the token price, I’m just saying if you think multiboxers affect the economy more than other avenues you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about when it comes to making gold.
Playing the auction house not including herbs/ores on there such as boes and and other markets like mog/mounts and such are huge and I would rank them as #1 in gold making, carries would be second.
Farming and selling herbs is basically way down there with farming legacy raids for beginner gold makers, the only difference is it’s more consistent instead of on a lockout and is entirely dependent on how long the one person no matter how many accounts can stay online and actively, not passively farm. If anything those that buy herbs/ores cheap are reaping the highest reward for putting in the extra effort to craft with it, heck most people don’t farm period like me, I haven’t farmed since the lich king and most will just buy their consumables with gold they earned from other avenues never touching the market except with the finished product.
I would be really curious to see if I’d be right, get rid of multiboxers and drill some common sense into the masses on how to undercut and see how expensive things are, more than likely the majority couldn’t afford consumables for most of their group activities, remember back in vanilla and such when consumables were typically reserved for a select few, I’m sure at some point it’d go back to being just like that if there weren’t anyone farming mats.
They did buff the spawns on materials though so I’m sure there would be more supply even without multiboxers compared to back then but it’s just another thing that could happen as well.
Well the only benefit to the game is your extra subs for your drones. I’d be happy to pay to have a multiboxer free environment. It’s not drama, it’s fact.
Oh yeah because Multiboxers don’t grief. Wouldn’t ever happen, oh no! Never! <-puppy dog eyes to go with that.
And no, I meant tearing through quest mobs like a tornado as people are trying to slowly work their way through. Many times I’ve ended up having to wait for the immediate area respawn just so I can carry on. This doesn’t happen with non-multiboxers.
PVP I meant instanced. Objectives and such sorta pointed that way but I guess you needed it clarified.
You’re joking right? I’ve had that happen with non multiboxers as well, this game is just so dead right now which typically happens you notice it more with multiboxers because there aren’t more than a handful of people per zone.
IF this HOAX were true blizzard…the ones who DO actually have the server data…would have no choice but to deal with boxing.
Stop with your entitled games. This is about YOU not being able to demand a price you want for your crap.
Adapt to the market…farm what sells…or complain in here today and dont make gold while I pull in 30-50k per hour farming pets and mogs.
YOUR choice.
make petition for a box free server for you all to play on…I’ll sign it.
I never said they dont. I said TURN…WARMODE…OFF
And non boxers are horrible for griefing.
Next ‘problem’
lies and more lies.
I see NON boxing druids doing the same crap.
I AM a non boxing druid who does the same crap lol
sorry but I dont read minds…nor do I claim to.
Say what you mean. Mean what you say…or just dont talk at me at all.
Yeah… no. If someone knows exactly where to go and what order to do things (and isn’t on a priest), they’re going to always appear as a tornado to someone who is “trying to slowly work their way through”. I’ve done that many times to people while dual leveling. And no, the multibox had nothing to do with it as the second character is on follow. A good solo quester will always be faster than me but that’s only ever happened a couple of times. Most of the time the people I’ve seen leveling are caught behind respawns because their chosen playstyle is slower. If someone wants to stop and smell the roses, that’s great, … but it’s amazingly intolerant to expect others to slow down to that pace.
I play solo characters mostly but dualbox things like world quests and leveling. I’ve never used any pass through software so I’m seriously limited by what I can do with it; anything complex is not an option for me.
I dont know them all
I’d be fine with the following:
If you’re multiboxing only your main account/character does max damage in the world/pvp. Each additional character does less damage on their spells. E.g. char one does a 100% regular starsurge, #2 does it at 50%, and so on.
Similarly for resource gathering. First gets the full amount, second half, maybe third onward even zero.
I agree with you.
My internet was out so I missed this multiboxing thread yesterday, hello everyone
Sure. I think people cry to much about the subject anyway. Granted its a safe bet the people that cry about them likely play 10x more than me, but i rarely met a multiboxer who annoyed me by simple questing or farming somewhere else.
I just dont see the point of stressing about it. Congratulations you multibox and pay $130 per month for a video game…move on.
Anything Sennheiser is great! Audio Technica is great too as Tiaraydra mentioned and if you need a mic my suggestion is always the Blue Snowball or Blue Yeti
I’m probably an anomaly as I do pay for my accounts with cash m0ney since I hate multibox gathering but I think most of the guys pay for game time and expansions with gold.
I don’t mind multiboxers. I have done it in the past but only for doing dungeons with alts. Let them do their thing.
I also remember a fire mage popping his legendary ring, lust, cds aND bursting down all 25 in like 8 seconds. It was in a gif. Total carnage.
i’ve been going on the AH, i’d look at the quantity of various mats on there, i’d think to myself “man, what the heck, are bots back in force or something?”
then i realized, oh, it’s just multiboxers.
Everyone pays the amount quantity for the quality of their personal gaming experience. No point comparing.