Can We All Agree That Not All Multi-boxers Are Bad?

Multilogging is fine but character interaction isnt totally gets a ban.
They made ironman/woman accounts pretty much solo player 1 life to live accounts.

That’s a race, not skills. Just sayin’ :stuck_out_tongue:

Only Sarnak I remember off the top of my head was the one you killed to start the Greenmist quest. But I don’t remember his name. I do remember he was in an alchemy lab.

Problem is, it turns the MMO into a not MMO.

Yup, a game where there is a bunch of people playing in a single space taking on a role. Still not seeing the connection of - must / should play with other people cooperatively

Perhaps other multi-boxers this is their mindset. I only dual box and most of what I do is for personal use / improvments.

I think out of the multi-boxing community, if I were to list out what I do when I do multi-box. It is probably one of the least detriment to the gaming community at large.

You skipped over


They don’t support the tools but they tell you how to launch multiple copies of the game.

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MMORPG simply means that it’s an RPG game with a persistent online world played by many people.

Blizzard themselves have gone out of their way to create many ways to play the game entirely on your own.

Maybe because of what I said earlier?

mutilboxers are mostly horrible players. my theory is they play in #s because theyre too terrible to solo.

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People need to stop assuming boxers never interact with others.

They used to make it that way now they limit solo play like legacy raids must wait 2 expansions to run last expansion raids. Everything with them is esports and loot boxes.

Interesting. I’m not bashing multiboxing you understand. I’m just stating my personal feelings about it. And some people have, shall we say, issues with terminology regarding the playstyle (such as cheating, botting, etc).

It does not impact on me personally much anymore (other than mild frustration had while trying to farm zin’anthid earlier in the expac) so I don’t generally care about it one way or the other.

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I don’t think I’m a terrible player or a great player. Even multi-boxing I have managed to die. I just play the game and have fun doing what I do. I’m not out in the game world trying to prove i’m better than anyone else. If I complete my goal, I’m happy. If I don’t I keep trying until I do.

At least they are not saying that we all live in our parents basement and only shower once a week.

So I’m holding onto hope.

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Why everyone quit the game? Please define MMO then.

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I’m not reading any of that. Quit wasting my time and I’d advise to quit wasting yours on someone as adamant about this as me.

Apparently taking a hint is not the strong suit of some here.

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I can only waste someones time if they choose to read what I write. That’s a choice that they make on their own. They can see that I wrote something and completely skip past it like it was never there.

I don’t mind wasting time. I waste time roaming the forums, playing WoW. I don’t consider it a waste of effort though. Even if the person I’m talking to doesn’t care about what I write. There may be someone that sees what I write and it opens a door for possible conversation.

I think that might be the whole issue though. Instead of people wanting to engage in conversation. It’s just much easier to not talk and hope an issue or whatever fixes itself.

Not sure how well it works overall, but it does seem to be a method for some.

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In pvp, while they are easy enough to mess up, they are a pain. Instead of having several individuals with different skillsets and the ability to work properly as a team you have one person with a bunch of drones.

On the other side to that, when they kill you because one strong ability spammed at the same time by several drones makes you go 100-0 in a heartbeat, it kills the fun and excitement of the game. The whole point of being there.

In instances, they get stuck on terrain, they mess up a lot, and they are incapable of handling multiple adds. They waste the rest of the groups time by being there.

In the world they flood through quest mobs giving other players no chance at doing their quests. They ruin the experience for others.

I’d rather they upped my sub and banned multiboxers (botters) than have to deal with them. They affect peoples gameplay, and never in a good way.

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No, I pretty much universally dislike Multi-boxers, some might not have nefarious or ill intent with their multi-boxing, but I generally frown upon anyone doing anything of the sort.

I’m not sure why WoW allows it, when there are plenty of other online games that prohibit doing such, but blizzard does what blizzard wants, guess all the multi-expansion purchases, and multi-subs makes them want to keep em around.