Can We All Agree That Not All Multi-boxers Are Bad?

A lot of people could not even play EQ when Runescape came out. Shadows of Luclin was when the new player models come out. You know the models that for the first 6 months where not clipped properly so any time you went into an old zone you ran the risk of falling threw the world. Or a personal favorite of mine was not being able to log on to a character at all for 3 weeks because you did the Greenmist quest on a non Iksar Shadowknight and for some reason the client thought you where cheating.

That’s just a few of the problems the game had at the time. I loved EQ. But it was far from a polished game. and around the time Runescape came out was some of the worse for it. I mean Shadows of Luclin probably one of the most buggy expansions ever. Or Planes of Power. An expansion that a lot of players named for turning the off the game. The expansion that saw me leave for FFXI and later WoW.

Most games weren’t as polished as now a days. Either way it was way more polished than runescape was.

Just saying it was more polished says nothing. Give me an example of how EQ was more polished. I have given plenty as to why I think it was not. I mean it can be argued that Runescape has out lived EQ. I mean I am pretty sure its got a larger player base to this day than EQ and EQ2 combined.

Depends; are you using software to mirror keystrokes & actions to multiple accounts, or are you playing both or more by yourself via multiple screens or flipping back and forth between windows?

Obviously people aren’t talking about the former, in most scenarios.

Who cares if we argue about polish? it is irrelevant anyway. I said if Runescape never existed WoW would have anyway. Also, anything free to play lives a bit longer.

Why do you think there were so many people playing the private WoW servers? Free entertainment…

Oh please, no amount of ridiculous twisting and this MiSiNfOrMaTiOn accusing will change it’s cheating.

End. Of. Story.

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RuneScape never tried to take on Warcraft, they’re completely different types of MMOs.

Except one has become extreme lefty and is banning anybody who says anything right of far left right now.

The 07 team though.

And I am saying your wrong. I mean WoW devs even named the game along side EQ and Ultima Online as games that inspired World of Warcraft. And again you brought up polish here. If you are going to use it as an argument you should have at least one or two examples.

I don’t care because you are wrong.

I never stated they did…

As I thought. You are just a troll who never played ether game. Next time you could try a little. I don’t know look up a wiki or something.

You are a troll making stuff up here.

What did i make up?

What you just stated about me.

IDK that’s not realllllly multiboxing. Farming stuff and botting is multiboxing. Having two accounts really isn’t.

Then prove me wrong. Instead of thinking “Your wrong” Is an argument give examples. Show proof. Because as far as I can see you know nothing about ether game.

No, I won’t waste time trying to change your opinion because that is all it is. Prove me wrong! :rofl:

Then you are making my point for me. You have fun with that troll.

Thanks for proving yourself wrong. I could list bugs out the ying yang for runescape but it still doesn’t mean anything. Polish is something that is subjective so quit trolling around.

I know you were jealous of my EQ character that had the fungi tunic!

I know you never played either game.

Fixed it for ya.