Can We All Agree That Not All Multi-boxers Are Bad?

Godwin’s law? Really?


Which games?

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In not answering you after calling me that despicable man.

Because you are making things up.


I’m not linking their rules because it’s punishable here. RuneScape 07 and RS3 instantly perma ban you if any of your multiple accounts interact with each other. This was implemented to stop merchanting bots and users from controlling its economy.

That’s technically two games controlled by the same company.


LMAO really?

Well you know Second Life allows it and so does Furcadia. And IMVU.

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They are still a legit mmo with enough power to be called one.

They’re a joke.


You’re deflecting. Typical, can’t reason with cheaters when you rain on their gravy train. You’re just lucky Blizzard sees you as free $$$ that’s it.




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Umm RuneScape is one of the grandfathers of MMORPGs. I would rank it up there with EQ that came out something like 2 years before Runescape. Or even Ultima Online one of the first. It was games like this that inspired WoW. So make your jabs but without games like Runescape you would not have WoW.

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Maybe in some instances, but in others I don’t think so. Barring time since people could plan events for a certain day, or someone might have to look for others.

I see people mention the issue with world PVP. I believe the recent example was 5 stealthed druids unstealthing and moon fire. A group of people could plan for an event and talk over discord or be in the same room and pull the same efficiency of nuking people with the same tactics?

IE everyone plans on stealthing and then dropping the boom nuke?

Or a single max level toon with BIS going and ganking low level players?

Then I see people make mention of the AH. Groups of people couldn’t just gather herbs / ores and then just sell them off on the AH and cause the same amount of issue?

I can’t think of any of the other issues that seem to float around when these conversations come up.

I think a lot of the so called issues that seem to be a multi-boxer issue are there from the non multi-box community. But it just is easier to point fingers at a single group instead of addressing the issues that are in the community as a whole.

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EQ was way more polished than RS. We would have had WoW without RS. Since they more closely followed EQ’s path.

RS is just another ancient f2p game for tweens if I remember correctly.

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We do agree multi boxing is good for the game.


And there are some forums that don’t have any issue with a little bit of personal attacking and there are forums that say that personally attacking will get you put in the corner for a few days.

There are countries where there is a reasonable speed limit, and there are other countries that are a bit more lenient on those same speed limits.

Just because one company says that something might be considered bad, doesn’t mean that same sentiment holds true across the whole entirety. If they want to say that multi-boxing is not allowed. That’s fine, it’s their playground to decide what they will allow and what they will not allow. If I liked the game enough, I might even try and persuade them to reconsider their stance and provide what information I could to try and persuade them to change their stance. I would actually probably do a lot more research into multi-boxing so I could at least provide the best factual argument instead of trying to get them to change their opinion based on lies and misinformation.

That’s why I think it’s kind of important to know the basic rules of the game. Like I like to multi-box, I would check out a game to see what their stance was before I invested time / money into it.


In 2001 or 2002? Yeah I am going to guess you did not play ether game. I mean 2001 was when Shadows of Luclin came out. EQ was a mess back then. Anything but polished. In fact I started playing Runescape with a few friends because of how buggy EQ was at that time. Even after going back to EQ we still played Runescape because it was a fun game.

All they have at the end of the day is slanderous lying accusations of ‘cheaters’ LMAO.
Thats it…it all comes down to their self entitled behavior and attitude.

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Wrong, I played EQ before moving to the easier more casual game WoW.

Runescape was worse. :slight_smile:

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