Can we all admit that the Forsaken

Blizzard writing Tyrande:

    Teldrassil burned because I chose to spare Saurfang's life.

Blizzard also writing Tyrande literally a minute and thirty-five seconds later:

    Leave [Belmont] to rot. He does not deserve a clean death.

Blizzard finally gets rid of the Val’kyr only to put a someone who openly admits there are people who have good reason to hate the Forsaken as one of the people in charge of the Forsaken, with even Voss cheerleading for him. Bleh.


When did I say it shouldn’t be dingus.

You said there were no important paladins.
He’s one.

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You talking about this response?

Pretty sure I covered that earlier.

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I never said anything about Paladins or wanting Lordaeron to go back to the alliance.

Nothing. Because I made this post to point out how it was a missed opportunity to appease both sides by having the reclaiming of Gilneas be leftover loyalists to sly and the horrors of hillsbrad be rectified giving the new Forsaken a more fleshed out story. And for some reason you went hardcore white knight for blizzards bad writing why? Heck if I know…

lol, I haven’t gone “Hardcore white knight” for Blizzard’s writing :joy:
I simply pointed out an objective fact.

  • People who frequent these forums know all too well that I definitely do not shy away from criticising Blizzard’s writing.

That being said, credit is given where credit is due – Yes, even with the writing of Blizzard.

:person_shrugging: If you shoehorn your state of thinking into one criteria without acknowledgement of BOTH the good & the bad and all that comes in-between, then you’re simply biased without much critical thought — and that’s not going to get you anywhere … Especially with the direction of the story & game.

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Having to read the alliance tears for a decade straight is more punishment than anybody else has ever suffered in the history of civilization.


I always hit them with the “Forsaken are Lordaeron’s and the Alliance humans are from Stormwind and them trying to claim the city is just expansionist”

Very nuanced view but that always set them off, especially after Cataclysm where I could reference the Banshee Queens speech.


You forgot about Trojan Calia of horse Menethil.
It’s going to be a diplomatic annexation.


I don’t “hate” the idea of Calia, I just think Blizzard went about the worst way.

  • Don’t make her a special light undead, she should of been undead from the start but in hiding
  • Make her Pro-Lordaeron and not so Pro-Alliance
  • Give her some edge

Yes. I believe she would have been an excellent addition and a perfect replacement for Sylvanas as a true undead who supports Lordaeron.

Even as a living human, she had great potential. If she had asserted her claim to the crown as part of the Alliance on behalf of the remaining (living) Lordaeronians and invaded, the Fourth War could have had a plausible explanation.

Unfortunately, she’s a Pro-Alliance Light Undead Mary Sue.

Well said. Walking around an airport here in Amsterdam and was brainstorming how I would of added her in the game:

Legion - Dosent show up randomly in the Priest Hall. Instead we get some small quest text or gossip text of “ Sylvanas having something buried beneath the Undercity that would cause her great harm.

BFA - If you choose the rebel Horde you get a quest to go beneath the blighted Undercity and discover that Calia locked in a one person prison. We find out that she died during the fall of Lordaeron and was raised as an undead with most of the population. After being freed as a Forsaken, Sylvanas discovers who she is and locks her away, fearful that the Forsaken would rally around her if she was discovered.

This Calia would be a little crazy being locked in a prison cell for almost a decade. She also isn’t the biggest fan of the Alliance since she thinks “Stormwind are backward hicks that didn’t help when the Scourge invaded”

The rest of her quest line in BFA is her doing a little revenge tour on her prison wardens.

Shadowlands - (Oh you mean the Undead race can have an actual story in the death expansion?). With the absence of Sylvanas there’s an empty throne. Several different Forsaken (chance to introduce new characters) via for the throne and through cunning and a healthy amount of backstabbing, Calia claims it and gives a speech that “Lordaeron will always and forever belong to its people”

The idea is she would have most of the traits we recognize with the Forsaken, cunning and viscous while earning her way to the top, leveraging her name to get more power.

Anyway that is like 99% fan fiction and doubt even belongs in this forum. Thank you for reading my insane ramblings


At some point, you have to cut your losses. You can keep chasing justice until the end of the world but all that’s going to do is make sure you get there. Sometimes compromise in the name of peace is the best you’re going to get.

As for WoW, is compromising any better when justice was never a true option anyway? (In regards to the faction conflict at least)

I figured we could have a fun discussion on how blizzard could do something to help better bridge the change in the forsaken and how it could have been by having them help wipe out the forsaken still loyal to Sly form Gilneas and hillsbrad. But you’re to busy arguing about how 14 years ago people on the forums wanted the Alliance to reclaim the undercity, which wasn’t even the point of my original discussion.

If I remember correctly she became lightforged undead after Sly murdered her in the book before the storm.

I know, I was doing a “what-if” on how I would of approached her storyline

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Their existence is torment. I’m not sure what you think can be done.

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Have the new Forsaken help the Alliance and their horde allies to eliminate forsaken loyal to Sly committing the evil in Hillsbrad
Freeing the humans and eliminating the one’s responsible.

Anyone who played WC3 should remember that the Forsaken ARE Lordaeronians.
Lordaeronians who were victimised twice, first by a murderous fratricidal Prince, and second when they were forsaken by this new upstart replacement Alliance for the one that Lordaeron once led.


I don’t think you can really call the new Alliance not welcoming them as victimizing them. If someone says they don’t want to be your friend, that doesn’t really make you a victim. It was a bad experience, sure. But, to call it victimizing is a stretch.

They were the victims of The Scourge and even of their prince, for sure. But they weren’t victims of the Alliance. It was just a bad situation.