Can we all admit that the Forsaken

Are getting of easy for all the evil they done since the wrath gate and the use of blight on more than one occasion and not to forget the evil that their doing to the humans of hillsbrad, while also remembering the evil they did to those that lived in SS.


It is morally reprehensible not to blight humans.



If anything, there havent been enough war crimes.


Sudden urge to purge stormwind of filthy degernative human potential


/stern glare

I feel like the current Forsaken are trying to rebrand themselves as the “kinder, gentler I just need your brains zombies.”

/Shakes fist, have at you filthy undead ruffian.

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The Forsaken were subject to the whims of the same writer/writers who made Sylvanas progressively worse. And it would not be fair to punish players who pay the same $15 a month that I do because of that. That being said, a cinematic of a Forsaken army being wiped out by the humans and Night Elves would bring a smile to my face.


Please, if not for the Blight, Arthas woild have won right there.

Did you thing we had forgotten? Did you think we had forgive?


Really we should have liberated Gilneas from the Forsaken that remained loyal to Sly.

Bolvar fordragon would have won that fight easily.

more of our men died from the Horde’s treachery at the Wrathgate than from the Scourge. - Varian

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You precocious scamps! We outta shake our fists more harshly at you! That will show you! If that doesn’t, we shall write you all a sternly worded letter! If that doesn’t work we will speak to your queen, I mean, Lady Calia Menethil. Maybe her sermons will you to change your wicked ways!!! If not, then well Genn Greymane still has some bite to go with his bark!


I have a boiling blight cauldron with her name on it.


Now, now be nice to the Pallid Lady. She is of course your leader! She may even learn how to raise Light undead and that will be handy for the upcoming apocalypse that Xal is conjuring. You’ll need her holy light to guide you all from your lives of sin and wickedness! She even cleansed Lordaeron of much of the blight! Isn’t she just the best?

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You should be happy to have Lady Calia she has taught you to be the kinder, gentler and more polite zombie. You know like the kind that says please and thank you after eating their victim’s brain.

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I mean, their city was destroyed, their people forced to evacuate to Orgrimmar, Sylvanas betrayed then, and worse of all…

They have Calia Menethil walking around going, “How do you do, my fellow undead?”

To be honest, I think Blizzard was EXCESSIVE in the punishment department, particularly that last part.


Purge the alien, the heretic, the unclean!

Skulls for the skull throne!

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Credit to Nezmith-Undercity Nexus:


Calia reclaimed it and yet the Night elves are still without a home.

They are still farming humans in hillbrad and have never face judgment for those they murder in SS or the seige they commit against Gilneas. So I disagree as they clearly got off easy considering the crimes they continue to commit with no remorse.


Bel’Aran or whatever its called.

There’s no evidence they’re, “farming humans,” in Hillsbrad. The quests had you free or kill them. There was nothing in those quests about keeping them.

The Forsaken also helped to reclaim Gilneas, so you know. That probably washes their hands of having laid siege to it to begin with, which they wouldn’t have likely done if it weren’t Garrosh forcing them to.

Cataclysm was a long, long time ago. Yeah, the Forsaken got up to some really bad stuff back then. Most of it has been pushed off on Garrosh or Sylvanas. Even the Argent Crusade ultimately took the approach of, “Hrmn… that’s some real Scourge level nonsense coming from the Forsaken buuuut… I guess we’ll wait and see.”


This is a bit complicated.

There are problems with their story.

There was the whole eat their cake and have it too that Blizzard tried to pull in Cata. Where they did evil, scourge things but they were really not the scourge, but kind of were. They didn’t raise and mind control undead minions, but also they kind of did. Etc. All for what Blizzard saw as ‘but it is cool.’

But the bigger issue is that by and large the Forsaken stories have almost entirely been just an extension of Sylvanas for most of WoW. They were little more than her minions and were portrayed as pretty fanatical. Which would make them culpable in a lot of ways.

I would argue that if you were following the most logical response from the world, the Forsaken would probably have been mostly wiped out. Most of the world (even beyond the Alliance) would hate them and see them as basically another scourge. But we can’t do that. Much of that story arc was Blizzard ignoring logic in favor of what they viewed as ‘cool.’ Rule of cool can create real narrative issues, and it certainly did.

At this point, it really makes the most sense and causes the least issue for players if we just ignore the bad writing choices in the past and look to the future. Sure, we hand wave away a lot of it by just putting it on Sylvanas. And that doesn’t feel like it makes sense. But it is also the least bad option left by those past poor choices.

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Which was a dumb decision, but that is a separate discussion


Let’s be honest. The Forsaken are not going to be shown to be zombie fascists ever again like they were in Cata and BfA.

If we want to punish people, we can start with the elves, all of whom have done similar crimes on trolls.

Nobody gets punished in WoW. It’s a war crime simulator.