Can we agree the new loot System isn't working

So if the roll was hidden and everyone just needed automatically in LFR, you would be OK with it?

No you have only said they are. How are the results actually different? If the need roll was hidden and everyone auto-needed it would be the same thing.

no point in repeating myself how about checking out the community council on it, theres a huge post about it.

And this version isn’t the same.

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Personal loot WITH the ability to trade items is the most superior loot system that we’ve had so far in wow.
This should be the default in dungeons and LFR raids.
Raid leader should be able to set the loot system - personal, group, master with this being very clear to people in the raid.

It’s perception.

If it is the same either way, we have no argument. You have no reason to like GL over PL. And I have no reason to prefer PL. Because it is the same right?

But they aren’t. The perception is different. Seeing an item you COULD get, and lose it to someone who doesn’t need it feels bad. But seeing someone get an item in their bag by chance, is just RNG being RNG.

They final result may be the same, but one feels like crap. So obviously if you cared about players actually enjoying themselves, you wouldn’t choose the one that makes them feel bad.

Either way, I don’t even roll on LFR loot. I am 390 ilvl. I just see what LFR folks are mad about. You have a bunch of folks that outright dislike you and the content you enjoy, roll into that content, and appear to take loot away from you for the week. It’s a crap system.

What makes this argument tired was people were making the same argument with Personal Loot. They shouldn’t feel obligated to give up pieces they won because it’s a bigger/better upgrade for someone else. Or they simply want to keep the piece they won for DE/Selling/Transmog. It’s their piece… they can do what they want with it.

The only real difference between this and personal loot is the rolling is public and folks have the option - if they so choose to - to opt out of a roll. This guy didn’t choose to opt out, got the loot, and gets to do what he wants with it. Whining doesn’t change that, nor would personal loot protect you from this situation.


No one was winning two items or two tokens per kill in PL. So it is not the same.

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I’ve only been able to do LFR since Nathria and I’ve got no issues with GL. It means better trading and anything I lose in GL I would have lost with PL anyway.

People who’ve been asking for higher geared folks to not be able to roll on loot in LFR are the ones actually trying to steal loot and Blizz never should have listened to them. Everyone participating should have the same chance to win anything.

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ot annoys me that people do not know simple math and how extra variables decreases loot acquisition. Its just seems like people are just getting dumber over the years and things that were common sense is no longer the case but since i have to explain it yet again for the millionth time only to be responded with something stupid here it goes.

Variables of both Personal Loot vs. Group Loot:

Personal Loot:
Loot Drops
You win the RNG roll and are one of the people to receive loot

Group Loot
Loot Drops
Loot you can use Drops
The amount of people who can roll on that loot impacts chances of winning(worse for accessories because those aren’t class specific)
You Win the roll

The fact that i have to explain this is honestly mental. The results are NOT the same.

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So you agree that the results are the same, but players are saltier because they lost a visible roll instead of a hidden one? I mean, OK I guess.

The same amount of loot drops, and you have the same chance to get it assuming everyone rolls need. That means the end results are the same.

No. They are not the same. Two major differences as of now.

  1. Someone can potentially win multiple rolls.
  2. With PL the RNG is whether you get an item or not. With GL the RNG is whether an item you can use drops, then how many people roll, and your roll in comparison.

What I meant, and the point you miss, is it goes both ways. You cannot say that they are the same so I have 0 complaint, but complain why GL is better. If one is better, they cannot be the same.

Again, no.

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you are looking at things way too binary. You are like “well if both systems drop the same amount of loot that means its the same”. I do not think i am talking with an adult here, theres no way. Why is it always hunters man.

I see this often on these forums. One guy literally did not know what alternative meant. His entire argument relied on pretending the word didn’t exist.

I’m sorry there is just no way, any adult can look at the 2 systems and see the obvious difference with Variables.

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This is the simple fact that people willingly turn a blind eye to, because if you know that is Blizzards attitude, then you’d hopefully have serious thoughts about quitting the game. The whole game is built around Blizzard taking your money, not building a good game.

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It would work if people were not greedy jerks. Everyone is rolling need on everything they see the need button for whether they need it or not.

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You’re ignoring the variables around only useable loot and raid comp that happen before loot drops.

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My guild has had zero loot drama. It’s really no different than PL other than clicking the button. Added bonus, you dont get stuck with something you dont want / cant trade cause of ilvl. Other people can just roll on it and get it.