Can we agree the new loot System isn't working

it’s basically the same as personal loot in a way, because internally it’s giving the group a certain amount of loot based on players in raid.

it’s causing drama, there is a reason we upgraded to personal many years ago, for the very problems that group loot system is causing now.

On paper it’s a similar system, in practice it’s completely different, seeing people actively roll on items they don’t need or shouldn’t be able to roll on but do anyways is just bad design, it invites people to message you asking why you thought you needed an item enough to roll on it.

Just had a run with a hunter with 408 vault gloves(upgradable) roll for the heroic tier gloves(408 not-upgradable), win the roll, and due to toxic comments about why he would roll on said item decided to just open it and disenchant it.

Either fix the system so it works the way you said it should/would, or give us back personal to stop drama happening in pugs and LFR.


I’m not so sure Blizzard are interested in whether or not it’s working for us, they just want it to work for them.


It is 100% the same as PL for pugs. The change is for guild groups that can now pass on specific items to effectively work like ML.


Know what rhymes with loot? Boop.

Also snoot.


i wouldn’t say 100%, it’s suppose to be better. by making it so someone cant win a roll over your main spec for their off-spec, or by preventing them from rolling on tier they have already, or by lowering their priority for an item under the ilvl they have.

But it doesn’t work because blizzard hasn’t correctly implemented it, so it’s bad and causes drama.

all they have to do is change loot-spec before rolling on an item and suddenly the mainspec part doesn’t work.

the tier tokens can be rolled on by someone if their tier comes from vault and not raid it’ll count as them not having tier.


You do understand that the situation you described happened in PL as well right? The only difference is the player could avoid the drama by just not looting the “non-upgrade” item and just letting it fall into his mail.


The problem here is the definition of “need.” I think needing on an item for transmog, for enchanting mats, etc is just fine.

Taking something from someone that has more and giving it to someone that has less, well, there is a word for that.

Besides, I thought Blizzard caved already and changes are coming to the loot system.

People thinking that 1k gold worth of enchanting mats or transmog is worthy of needing an upgrade in the middle of a heroic pug is why the loot system causes drama.

there was a difference of seeing someone end up with an item, instead of actively rolling against people.


That made me laugh. Thank you for that.



you have clown syndrome.

why take half a sentence out of context, like, it wasn’t even broken up by a comma, you legit ripped a sentence in-half for a quote.

Yep terrible ive got 0 desire to level alts with this loot system.

Full clear of m0 and nothing juat chest and shoulders. Mind you my cache for alt already gave me my tier chest.

All that effort to try again next week.

This is a joke anyone defending this is clearly got too much of investment into the game to say otherwise probably participants of RMT.

How do you know they don’t need it? Are you asking them? They might not have the transmog, maybe it’s got better stats. There are more reasons to need something than just ilevel.

The tier pieces have the same stats, and they were wearing an identical 408 piece, the difference is, his was upgradable with valor thanks to it being an M+ item from vault.

as far as transmog, i would think that would be greed, an appearance isn’t something that should be need, opinions that dressing up your character in a slightly different color means you should take an upgrade from 4-5 players that could use an item is silly.


There was tons of drama with PL over this. This forum was filled with threads during SL over players keeping their gear drops for transmog . It doesnt matter what system you implement there will always be crybabies screaming that they deserved a piece of gear over someone else. Never mind the fact that everyone in the group had a hand in downing that boss.

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I mean, I don’t think LFR ilevel should be need either then since you can go and craft a better piece for 1 silver on work orders. It’s an item you can trash just as soon as you get it - so its fair for them to get a very temporary upgrade + transmog + crystal if they’re enchanters - but people putting just as much if not more work shouldn’t get anything if they’re of higher ilevel? No. That’s what’s silly.

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Players will invent drama when there is none. PL did not change that fact.

Getting changed in 10.0.5, they will no longer be able to roll need on the gloves.

That is your opinion, and therefore should only hold sway over how you act.

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Yep. Ilevel is temporary. Transmog is forever. If I helped down that boss I have just as much right to that gear as everyone else.


I would say its actually worse, yesterday we killed Broodmother Diurna on Heroic and dropped a tier piece for classes not present in the raid. Personal loot, at least would have given you an item you actually could use.

There are 30-40 rares that have a chance for purple loot for enchanting materials, and doing anything for monetary gains is the definition of the greed loot choice.

Appearances are neat, but actively rolling against 4-5 people who can actually use said item is not.

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