Can we agree the new loot System isn't working

Usable loot is a basic variable that both PL and GL share. i would add both(and have done so in the past) but its A. kinda pointless and B. I am tired of having to do this a million times only for the person i am explaining it to not to get it because lets be real if you think GL is better than PL, all this stuff is likely to go over your head anyways.

As for the second point, Raid comp doesn’t affect personal loot drops, only group loot and i listed it there.

No we can’t agree, this system is far better. Before if someone got some gear in a pug they didn’t need but I did, 90% of then time they wouldn’t trade it because they couldn’t be bothered. Now hitting pass is just as easy as hitting need or greed, I’ve been getting far more gear. In guild runs this system is identical to personal, and in pugs it’s just better.

I mean, if you run with a guild group. The current system is far better.

But if we want to try and go back to personal loot for pug groups and then let it ride for premades…I think that’s a fair move. My guild has been able to make sure people get their set bonuses asap rather than have people sit on 1 or 3 pieces of tier for weeks. And we’ve been able to ensure that people don’t go like 3 weeks running without getting a useable piece of gear.

So yeah…if ur in a guild that uses loot council it’s a massive improvement from my perspective. If ur a solo player it’s basically the same but with added drama.

IIRC, the issue w personal loot was players couldn’t trade it if the game perceived it as an upgrade. All Blizz had to do was remove the trading restriction, not revamp the whole thing.

Blizz knee jerk reaction at its finest

The new system is working.

There was more issues than that. PL by far is the worst loot system to ever exist.

You captured it.

PL is an upgrade.

Greed before Need needs to go back into theban pile and ML better never come back.

That is all.

I know the feeling,dang.

Maybe for you and your crew but not everyone else.

We have the same issue now. And some items you can’t roll need if you have the same item with high ilvl, but this dosnt happens for tier pieces, what is a shame. With some changes this system can be better then PL for sure, but need some huge changes.

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Haven’t won a single roll since the 1st week of the raid. Likely quitting after AOTC permanently unless this is changed, ngl. Can’t do another tier with this.

So many people not realizing how loot system works

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Make it only needable if you can actually use the gear.

Plate classes can only need on plate, Mail classes can only need on mail and etc.

Same with weapons, make it so those who can actually use the weapon in the first place able to need on them.

and make it so if you already have the piece at the same ilvl or higher than what drops, that you have to pass on it.

it’s not perfect, but from what i see from complaints with group loot, it’s better than what’s in place

Opinions !!

This is how it currently works, you can only roll need if your class is intended to use the item.

It has been decent for me so far. I like to see all the loot. I think there are some basic restrictions on rolling. Sometimes my roll does not appear because it is off spec perhaps?

maybe for some guilds, but its caused a lot of drama in my guild, people don’t really care for guilds like they used to. People just have to have the loot right now… when in a few weeks usually everyone is pretty geared out

Funny, OP is talking about how “bad” group loot is for raids.

Then this person comes in with how bad personal loot is.


Absolutely no different than the game giving you an item you didn’t need over someone who did need it.

Old news.

Diva players who think they’re entitled to loot are causing drama.

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