Can the people who report GDKP advertisements as abusive chat be banned for false reporting? Thanks

Admittedly I’m trash at making gold. One day, people are going to teach me lol.

You GDKP folks need to get your messaging straight.

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You ignored my point and fact.

You’re giving full buyers a cut for their 15 DPS?

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Ignorant post. Any gray parsers are not getting paid.

DUH, so why are you talking about cuts, dude?

Knew responding to you was a waste of energy lmao

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So much anger. Are you okay?

And you have data for this?

In order for change to happen there needs to be data to back up the need for the change to take place.

Do you think whoever is in charge at Blizzard just wakes up from a nightmare of a mage killing him so when he gets to work he nerfs mages by 8%???

No, they watch and accumulate data to warrant the change.

Your side has no data only baseless assumptions and “trust me bro”.

I’m speaking logically, your side isn’t.

You’re not thinking logically, you’re saying “idk” to dodge burden of proof hahaha


You should be banned for RMT. We will continue you report you, gold buyer.


I haven’t seen any BFD GDKP’s but in wrath the min bids are usually no more than 1-2k which is easily acquirable by anyone.

And if you don’t win anything you still get gold.

The burden lies on you not with me.

You’re making a claim I’m not

you have evidence of this claim?

You have evidence showing he bought gold?

He wont respond to your points bro, mention how gdkp is bad and he gets INSANELY upset for some reason :skull:


No one is upset,besides your side, since gdkps are still in the game.

The whole stance of your side is that GDKPs promote RMT more than anything else.

Where’s the evidence of this claim?

I rekt him in the argument, you can be next.

This is EZ for me.

Think about this your arguments are so bad they’re being destroyed by a truck driver who’s a high school dropout

Get ratio’d, scum.


Yeah they need to just ban it.


Wont happen because using in game currency for in game items isn’t illegal.

Even you do this.


lol man is deluded

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Waiting on any data to support your claim still.