Can the people who report GDKP advertisements as abusive chat be banned for false reporting? Thanks

This isn’t a gotcha btw.

I have said numerous times that cheaters will cheat regardless. GDKP makes gold selling more lucrative, meaning more bots. Not a hard line of reasoning!


ERA is filled with GDKP and Gold buyers yes full of it but thats a ghost town for me lol

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This is such a TikTok brained take.

Wrath was not dead on arrival by any stretch, but Wrath is also complete trash and not worth playing. I hope anyone who thinks it’s “peak wow” enjoys it, but that’s not the prevailing Classic sentiment.

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What do you mean I have literally debunked everything you have said.

Your whole stance is just trust me bro.

You haven’t provided anything yet not one iota of evidence.

Out of the 100% of people who buy gold how many of them buy gold strictly for gdkps and how many don’t? Because you keep saying that the majority of rmt is for gdkp.

Show us some data

If you can’t admit that GDKP is the biggest sink for bought gold, this conversation is no longer productive.

If you’d like to show some data to refute that be my guest.


You’re making the claim it is I’m not making any claims I’m asking you to back up your claim.

Naturally you cant because the whole premise of your argument is based off assumptions

Thanks for playing.

Now if you’ll excuse me I have a gdkp to get to.

GDKP’s will exist no matter if RMT is there or not. RMT will exist whether or not there are GDKP’s.

Both are bad for the game.

GDKP’s are bad because they hard gate keep the casuals. And casuals are just as important to game health as the “sweaties”.


That’s not how that works. I have a reason based assumption that you are trying to refute using your own assumptions. I don’t have data (lol) and you don’t either.

My argument really circumvents the need for data because it’s logic based: gold buyers don’t need to buy overpriced greens to get full BiS in GDKP → GDKP is more expensive than consumables and professions → GDKP is the biggest RMT gold sink.

I know you’re desperate to beat a stranger in an argument, but I don’t think you’ve swayed anyone who didn’t already love taking advantage of RMT via GDKP to your side.

tHaNkS fOr PlAyInG


I’m 32 and don’t even have any social media outside of twitter. If you want to smack rocks for gold like a bot that’s your choice.

Don’t need to=they don’t??

You’re a jenius.

You’re making claims, not me.

My whole stance has been idk what % of people who buy gold strictly do it for gdkps

Your stance is that the majority of people who buy gold do it for gdkps.

Where’s the data?

You mean progress my character through their profession and add resources and products to the community economy? Yeah I’d like that!

Don’t think you like what this game is bud. You can play MOBAs and get exactly what you’re enjoying in classic.

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Nothing prevents casual players from joining GDKP runs.

i’d love to know just how many GM’s there really are nowadays. it doesn’t feel like there are any.

What about the minimum gold requirement. A lot of times, it’s a lot for some people right? I’m not a GDKP expert by any means.

Edit: And if you are casual chances are you won’t be able to win anything either.


My stance is that the biggest gold sink for RMT is GDKP.

Consumes are 9g a week, BFD epics go for 150g+, up to three times a week. Enjoy your data.


Not a gold sink. You make the gold back from the cut. Why do you think people run them across alts?

150g is not even close to unrealistic amount of money to have if you play SoD with even half a brain.

We’re talking RMT here smart one

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In the conversation I’m having, we’re already established that GDKP is rife with RMT. Do you deny that?

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Seen a few epics go for min bid. Never seen an item go for over a 100g.