Can the people who report GDKP advertisements as abusive chat be banned for false reporting? Thanks

There’s legit nothing to buy with gold outside of blues which are extremely easy to replace by doing BFD (Thieve’s Mantle being the only exception).
Like 150 professions and Ashenvale tiger is gonna run you, what, 25g?
Meanwhile, we have level 25 10-man raid purples going for upwards of 150g.

GDKP is the only consistently expensive part of the game for the vast majority of players. Cheaters are gonna cheat regardless, since they feel risk is low, but GDKP is the driving force behind buying hundreds of gold, rather than like 50 and being good for all of phase 1. That’s why you guys have a target on your back from the non-cheating original classic community.


We’re all inferring here dude. What % of gold buyers who GDKP do you think do anything but raid log, or log in at all after the they’re geared? Maybe they go WSG and use their cheated gear to stomp?

What are they gonna do? Farm?


Do you know how much pre-bis would cost off the auction house?

What you’re saying is willfully blind.

I posted AH prices in a few threads and to gear up a toon it could cost you hundreds of gold off the AH.

Hunter prolly being the most expensive.

Hell Humberts Helm and steel xbow are pre bis and that would be over 100g right there for 2 items.

You’re so blinded by gdkps you can’t even see the truth.

Dude wake up! A bis item going for less than ah greens is what players are getting from these gdkp runs. Coming into a bfd Gdkp with 50 g is more than enough to buy a few pieces of gear. They are definitely going to come back after they get gear because they are getting paid. Do you not know how this works?

As much as I don’t like the whole GDKP culture, it really isn’t the problem just a symptom of it.

If someone wants to make a Rogue and sell SFK ring runs that’s really their business.

If anything, maybe it just needs its own separate chat channel besides Trade Chat. Like ‘Services’ or something.

Why would they need to even gdkp bfd it’s the easiest content in the game.

They could just buy gold to raid log and buy ah consumables which a lot of people do infact do.

Buy gold to buy mana pots, faps, scrolls because they want to parse but not farm gold.

Go raid then log off till reset.

There is so many reasons buy gold, your crowd puts it all on gdkps and my crowd doesn’t, that’s were we differ.

No one and I mean no one is suggesting that rmt doesn’t happen in gdkps

You’re running on a server that runs GDKP. Of course your AH economy is broken. Talk about willfully blind.

You also don’t need tippy top prebis to start BFD. This phase is abnormal in that most prebis gear is BoE greens, rather than loot from dungeons. Yet you can still use quest and dungeon items to prepare for BFD perfectly fine. I hit 25, spent like 8g on some >20 greens, then went to BFD within the hour and did some 80 dps. We cleared in 40m and I got 3 upgrades. I could not get a single other piece for the rest of the phase and my DPS would be more than fine for this raid.

Prebis BoEs don’t even make sense for parsers because they’re SOOO easily replaced by just doing the easy raid. Again, Mantle of Thieves being the exception.


Pretty ironic since GDKP turned ERA into a ghost town.

Only people still playing ERA are gold buyers lol.


Exactly. Like I said above I don’t like GDKP but I do admit on my Paladin I did pay a Rogue 10g of my own quest earned gold to get the ring because I f***ing hate SFK.

Does that make me a hypocrite? Yes, but honestly if all GDKP was banned tomorrow do people really think people will just stop buying gold?

I’ll give you a reason why. GDKP is bad for the health of the game. With the rise of GDKP, there is the fall of PuGs.

In order for a game to be healthy, it has to support both the player that plays a lot and the casual to some degree. With no PUGs, and GDKP requiring gold, it is a hard gate keep. Literally, you can’t get gear unless if you have gold. At least with PUGs there is a chance you get in as a casual as not everyone looks at logs.

Soft gate keeping such as encounter “difficulty” or some time sinks are fine imo, but hard gate keeps aren’t right. And this is coming from somehow who thinks gate keeping is a good thing in MMO’s.


No it didnt. Era was popping off before sod launch and the only thing keeping the server group together before the resurgence was gdkp. I was there, you clearly were not.

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I got my warrior to Rank 14 when the max cap 500K happend and then tryed to find a guild to run raids.

There is none.

It’s only GDKP.



All of this is irrelevant.

At the end of the day a gdkp is using IN GAME currency to buy IN GAME items.

You literally do the same thing as a gdkp when you buy ANYTHING in the game.

This is why it will never be banned.

Imagine thinking buying in game items with in-game gold should be removed then you go and do the same thing, the hypocrisy.

None of what you said addresses how GDKP is the most expensive activity in the game for a buyer, and thereby drives gold buying more than anything else.

Like you mention raid logging and buying consumes, which is not even remotely comparable. That’s what, 9 gold a week? 50s FAP, 50s for 5 mana/health pots, 1g for 5 str pots + agi elixir, 1g for 2 SPP? Throw in a boggling root and you’re at 3.3g per raid :scream:

There are several ways you can spend bought gold, but all of them combined, at least in this phase, don’t add up to the amount you can spend on GDKP.

What? Era was still popping off.

Maybe not on your dead server, but there were plenty of people still playing it.

Hardcore Servers have a super low population and most of the hype around it was people WATCHING CLIPS of people dying and not actually playing it.

Classic really only faltered once SoD launched.

How much more expensive is it than the AH?

Show us all some data

Got any payout sheets VS AH logs?

See here you go again refusing the fact that people buy gold for ANY AND ALL things.

Nobody thinks this. Demand for bought gold would be immensely diminished though.


I’m talking about the going rate for items within a BFD GDKP, not the AH.

The AH greens going for that much are literal BiS items stronger than the raid gear, and oh look, they are going for around the same price that a BFD item goes for. Wtf is this reply

This is such a low IQ take. Players play the game to have fun. It turns out farming mats and smacking rocks isn’t as fun as PvPing or doing literally anything else in the game. If I run 1 GDKP reset a week as a carry I can afford everything I need and build a surplus so I can enjoy the game hunting rare pets or getting prepped for phase 2/build alt professions without doing the unfun things that have been replaced by bots anyway.

Would it? Wrath was dead on arrival without GDKP and so many people on this forum claim Wrath was “peak wow”

No, it isn’t irrelevant, you just can’t rebut it so you changed the topic lol

GDKP is the biggest source of demand for RMT. Easily. A GDKP RMTer has no reason to buy inflated prebis greens off the AH, cause they can pay you for the carry and go straight to bis from greys. That argument is irrelevant.

Again, cheaters are gonna cheat regardless, you guys are just such a big part of the problem because you spend so much effort on forums pretending you’re not at all part of the problem. RMT is in GDKP, RMT does exist without GDKP, GDKP is the place where you can spend most of your bought gold for the most meaningful impact. All of these are true.