Can the people who report GDKP advertisements as abusive chat be banned for false reporting? Thanks

Imagine thinking Blizzard would make sub level 60 content hard…

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Do I think GDKP is what causes bots? No, but if GDKP was banned would there be less bots? Yes

I’m not going to report advertisers as I think bliz should just ban bots. But I also don’t have much sympathy for advertisers.


Extreme cringe

I report every GDKP is see advertised and in the description I note its for advertising GDKP. I will say I routinely receive the in game communication from Blizz thanking me for reporting. I will also point out that a large number of people on the Horde side of CS do this. So much so that many GDKP/p2w kiddos whine and complain about their bans in chat and then get reported for that lol. Its a beautiful thing. When/if Blizz communicates they would rather I not report I will stop, but so far its working and Blizz seems to be fine with it. Here’s to hoping all GDKP/p2w kiddos get banned, cheers! :slight_smile:



Keep Pay-2-Win out of WoW!


Imagine being 3/12 heroic.

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Pay 2 win doesn’t exist in wow.

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Imagine thinking that has any relevance in SoD.


The game will die without GDKP. Good players don’t want to farm. They want to group up and get bisd out super fast with other good players than carry bads for consumes and gold. Nobody wants to farm gold and smack rocks it’s 2024.


Oh, it really looked like you were bragging you never caught repercussions for cheating.

That’s fine. Still can’t advertise paid boosts outside of /trade though, and GDKP is paid boosting.


“Good players” (you actually mean retail tik tok brained players who don’t fit the classic community) make up a tiny portion of the game.

They and tourists are the main clientele of GDKP. Game would/will still be thriving without them.

Hell, it is thriving. I haven’t seen any GDKP on my server, but still see all content run all day. Chose wisely I guess. Just hope you guys don’t bleed over like you did into Grobb :frowning:


This is wrong, look at wotlk classic, a game which retail players have very low interest in because it’s a watered down version of retail in every aspect, and LFG/trade there is just relentless GDKP advertising.

Literally same thing with era. The only people who actually play era seriously are the classic-only diehards, and look, tons of GDKPs there, because that’s all there really is to do.

lmao gold buyers crying they are getting reported for attempting to sell BFD gear? hahahahaha


Still here. Still running gdkp. Still getting paid across my alts. You haters and tourists are getting uno reversed btw. Keep abusing a system against players doing nothing wrong and you will catch a ban for harassment. GDKP was here before you tourists and it will be here after you fizzle out.

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There are greens in the ah for 20+ gold. If you’re going to make crap up at least play the game long enough to look at the AH you clown

I’m also still here doing gdkps.

Never banned or suspended.

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WotLKC is retail. That game is miserable trash and the community fits right in. My god did I have a bad time there lol

I haven’t played Era in a good while, so I can’t speak to how much GDKP there is, but I believe it’s rampant. It’s been on last phase for actual years, which the game was never intended to be, so the intended “build a community/guild and rise to challenges together” archetype just doesn’t make sense there. The MS/OS roll is still the most fair way to do anything, but I imagine the players still on Era are trying to avoid getting Naxx stuff swooped up by some pug that’s only coming back for a week. Even then, damn dude, it really doesn’t matter if someone else gets the loot in a permanent server.

I’m not diametrically opposed to GDKP as a concept. In an ideal state, it’s a great loot system.
I also think it’s sad/annoying/hilarious how much the current GDKP simply will not admit that RMT is pervasive in their raids. Soon as we all admit that, and all treat it as the problem it is, then we can start talking productively about perma bans for gold buying instead of tittering over whether GDKP bad or not.


No one has denied that rmt exists in gdkps.

All we are saying is it exists EVERYWHERE.

The tourists are the paypigs who fund your GDKPs dude! They lack the attention span to farm, they’re not gonna stick with the game once they’ve bought all their crap from you lol


Can you show us all what percent of tourist buy gold?

Where’s your data at?