Can the people who report GDKP advertisements as abusive chat be banned for false reporting? Thanks

most reports are for non rp names since im on an rp realm, its very clearly justice

you advertising gdkp in lfg is all the evidence needed

Given that GDKPs are a loot system and not a service, that would make you guilty of violating the ToS.

If you advertise for a GDKP that is happening moments after they find the players to run one, its not against the rules to post in LFG.

However if you post one and say “____ GDKP, scheduled for tomorrow @_:__pm” it’s not allowed to be advertised in LFG.

Evidence for what? To claim I participate in RMT? Botting? You don’t see how ridiculous those leaps are?

Besides, this suspension (again, for abusive chat, not spamming or incorrect channel) was a direct result of a mass report which was organized in the trade channel.

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where did you come up with this? I remember distinctly them disallowing gdkps to be advertised in lfg because it was considered a service since BoP items are being sold to the highest bidder

how do you figure that incorrect channel is not abusive chat?

You keep saying this without providing any citation. Because there isn’t one, and you’ve been issuing false reports.

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It’s not the incorrect channel, no matter how badly you need to justify being a bully.

you keep saying the reports are false when being the living proof that they are not

They are false reports.
LFG is the correct channel to advertise raid groups, no matter what loot system is being used.

quit using lfg for trading services

Clearly there’s something shady about GDKP… I’ve joined a few BFD groups where AFTER they form the raid they throw out “oh by the way, this is GDKP.” and half the raid, including myself, drops out. Once when I message the leader that they should have been upfront about that, they said “And get reported? Nah!”

GDKPs are not a trade nor service. It is a loot system, like need/greed.

“Let’s abuse the report system so people engaging in an activity that Blizzard says isn’t breaking the rules have to do so on the downlow so as not to get falsely reported, then use that as evidence that they’re up to no good.”
I can draw several historical parallels, none of them are flattering to you.

So you’re just going to ignore the part where I said the brigading was organized in the trade chat? Cool. It can be advertised in lfg, but either way this ridiculous distinction doesn’t apply to my case nor is it a standard I believe you uphold.

Just like need or greed with spreadsheets, VIP’s, min bids and budget checks, and a 10% cut for the big guy.

None of those things are GDKP, except maybe budget checks.

Living proof they aren’t? In what way? I am someone who was attempting to organize a gdkp run and got suspended for something I didn’t do, due to mass reports. That’s a false report. You participate in this.

it actually isn’t allowed to be advertised in lfg, or anywhere if you are involved in rmt, so which is it?