Can the people who report GDKP advertisements as abusive chat be banned for false reporting? Thanks

So in the 5 years i have done gdkps i have only gotten legal gold cuz i havent received any bans or suspensions.

Sounds like rmt is hardly even in gdkps.

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How are you this thick?
A) I was brigaded from an advertisement in trade chat for a bfd pug gdkp

B) I’ve never purchased gold

C) you can advertise recruitment for a raid using a gdkp system in the lfg channel.

D) I wasn’t suspended for spamming(incorrect channel), it was for mass reported ‘abusive chat’

you cant advertise for gdkp in lfg channel, i dont trust you so you can tell me B) however many times and it wont matter… and why are you putting incorrect channel next to spamming?

It doesn’t matter whether or not you believe me when I say B). It’s the truth. What matters is your willingness to lie about b), in order to justify issuing a false report.

Spamming is the appropriate report to make if it’s the wrong channel. I’m pretty sure it even prompts that beside it.

you dont have to be the one to buy gold to be at fault,if you receive gold from someone in your raid that has bought it you can get actioned. and you yourself dont even know if youre clean of that like you said

That’s nonsense. That applies to literally every segment of wow’s economy and all trading.

What isn’t allowed is people using gdkp to launder RMT gold. That’s why they say if there’s a consistent flow of RMT gold through a particular person or gdkp they can be actioned. You aren’t going to get banned by going to a gdkp a gold buyer went to. That’s not how this works.

that’s how it should work

Then in your world you should be banned if a gold buyer buys your herbs? That’s nonsense.

Then everyone who uses the AH should be banned lmfao.


ok then remove the ah?

You wouldn’t be happy until the game had no currency system at all.

I stand by the AH and report anyone who runs up to it and interacts with the auctioneer.

Bunch of RMT lords.

Also have to remove the ability to tip people gold since RMT gold COULD be used to tip enchanters enchanting gear.

fine with me, i wouldnt enchant your gear anyways

The more you break this down the more wild it gets lmfao.

Like i said clearly my gdkps have had no RMT cuz i been doing them since classic launched and thats what 5+ years now and not a single suspension or ban.

depends on if they are advertising in the correct channel or not

Even that’s a matter of open debate at the moment, and can even vary by GDKP group, according to:

Individuals and guilds selling boost or assistance in raiding, dungeon, or PvP activities for gold is allowed but can only be advertised in-game through the Trade Services chat channel.

The sorts of GDKPs that Drinknblink talk about would not meet that definition, but others might. Those who take a moral stance against GDKPs will continue to report them regardless of what channel they’re posted in because they believe GDKPS = RMT with no exceptions.

all gdkp’s involve the exchange of currency for an item which constitutes a sale, regardless of how many individuals are involved with the proceeds, just like someone paying someone for a bulk amount of consumes and distributing them around the raid is also considered a sale so Idon’t see the variance in groups unless there are no bids whatsoever.
personally I know that botters make a killing off of gdkps existing and I would prefer if people pugged less with those outside of their guild in general so I wouldn’t be opposed to an outright ban on them

if lfg and trade are off limits, then player created channels are the last global option

If it were a simple exchange of gold for an item to an individual, and not a bidding and redistribution system, I’d be inclined to agree. I’m not convinced that GDKPs meet that criteria as they’re not buying a run and the gold is given back to the raiders.
I appreciate that you make the distinction between in your opinion on GDKPs rather than making outright assertions.
You may be onto something with player-created channels, if only to avoid the false reporting.