Can the people who report GDKP advertisements as abusive chat be banned for false reporting? Thanks

i dont care to interact with rmt defending roleplayers either way so

No it isn’t common practice. You’re still making up things to justify your incessant witch hunting. That’s all you’ve done. False accusations and conflations.

deflect all you want, we’ll see what happens with your case

I’ve recently done GDKP’s where the pot was 60-90 gold. I would walk out with 6-9g.

GDKPs aren’t RMT. You can’t type a grammatically correct sentence in English, which is expected in roleplaying in WoW.
Telling you that GDKPs aren’t RMT while also calling for gold buyers to get banned isn’t defending RMT.
You’re reduced to making up fiction so that you feel justified in your willful ignorance.

First there’s denial, then anger, then bargaining, then depression, then finally acceptance. You’re angry at the moment, but eventually you’ll come to accept the truth. This is all very natural and expected.

You’re the one adamantly denying reality while openly admitting to breaking the ToS.


im convinced this amireyn is a large supplier at this point

He seems very invested in this.

Im getting the idea that you aren’t a hard person to convince. You are a parrot.

And how many dozens - if not hundreds - of reports have you submitted? What is your ratio of genuine report to false positive? 1:10? 1:20?

Guilty people accuse others without evidence. You seem like the most likely person to be involved with RMT since you’re the only one who is openly violating the tos.

The receipt of that mail isn’t proof of a legitimate penalty whatsoever.

you’re engaging in DARVO, and it’s gross

its actually really hard to track since i dont ignore, and am able to report the same person multiple times pretty much any time there is a loading screen, since after reloading or relogging the person you reported for text, it shows you their text again

there’s plenty of evidence

No, there isn’t. You have zero evidence players are engaging in RMT besides “They’re running GDKP.”
GDKPs do not require RMT to participate and are not against the rules. You know this. Reporting people who aren’t breaking the rules is breaking the rules.

I’m sure the irony of claiming that isn’t lost on you, you just don’t care.

I’ll consider that to mean you’ve reported many more people than you’ve have mail from Blizzard.

Only the most tyrannical despots would consider that “justice”.

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None of your claims here are based on evidence. You think having a bank alt is evidence of unscrupulous behaviour. You’re a major goofball.

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