Can the people who report GDKP advertisements as abusive chat be banned for false reporting? Thanks

I highly doubt you’d be invited to a GDKP group that expects you to perform well.
I also highly doubt most GDKPs involve RMT, so your self-aggrandizing aside, you can participate in a GDKP without touching RMT gold. Most GDKPs will be that way.

A bank toon named banksy is like the most common thing ever. People even buy the tuxedo shirt and whatnot. It’s not indicative of anything I do. You’re such a basic witch detective.

with riot bringing it from valo to lol i have hope for their mmo, either way i respect that company a lot more than i do blizz so hopefully it comes out soon

No, I don’t. You’re seeing blue mail because you’re abusing the report system and think players getting chat muted means they’ve been banned.

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All must suffer for the sins of the few

that’s not true, most people don’t have bank alts, they just have alts that they sometimes level up, ones with bank in their name on my rp realm get reported as well for their non rp name

No amount of grandstanding makes you right about this. You are advocating abusing the report system in the hopes of actioning players who Blizzard has told you are not breaking any rules. That -is- a bannable offense.

I follow a higher authority

people are begging for players to join their gdkps all over the place, maybe not on your dead realm but the rmt is a real problem over here. your doubts don’t hold any weight

What is more RP than a bank alt named bankerbill

Lies, I am pretty sure everybody has at least one bank alt. I say at least one because somebody I knew had a bank alt for each type of resource (enchanting, cloth, leather, etc…)

im getting more than one type of “blue mail” so your conspiracy theory doesnt hold weight either

Bank alt names are the only non-RP names I don’t report on my RP server.
A good handful of the best RPers I know have bank alts. It’s likely more common in RP servers who have characters with banks full of RP gear. I have a tremendous amount of herbs that I keep bouncing between characters in the mail for just that reason.
Feel free to start posting on your SoD character.

one without a real word in their name, do you know what rp means?

All you have is projection. That’s not a conspiracy, that’s just how the system works. The notion that all GDKPs involve RMT and that all GDKPs involve hundreds of gold per item is a conspiracy theory.

im not surprised the people you associate with have multiple “bankalts”

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Your unearned sense of superiority would almost be funny if you weren’t responsible for unwarranted suspensions and encouraging others to participate in bannable behaviour.


I can safely say based on your posts that you aren’t a roleplayer most roleplayers would ever care to interact with. At least not in English.

I’ve not once said all gdkps involve hundreds of gold per item, but all gdkps do involve a hundred or more gold in total pots
nobody has to buy immense amounts of gold to be considered just as bad as someone who bought what would be considered tiny and “affordable” to use in a 5g increment gdkp. both should receive equal punishment no less than a permanent ban on their bnet account
it’s a common practice to buy a small amount of gold to participate in gdkps, and there is no way of telling who in your friend circle has done so

You did just that in the other thread.
Nobody has to buy gold AT ALL to participate in GDKPs. Period. The end. Full stop.