Can the people who report GDKP advertisements as abusive chat be banned for false reporting? Thanks

I will never stop reporting GDKP and I report with 3 accounts and also blast in trade and lfg for others to report along with me. There is alot of hate for GDKPs and people join in.

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I’m not guilded. I don’t do organized raids. I’ve never bought gold. SOD is 100% puggable. You’re a horrible person.

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This is brigading and not only is it suspend-able, it is ban-worthy.

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Yet im still here ?

Lots of irl criminals haven’t been caught. They’re still criminals.

thanks for the laugh bubby :smiley: good luck.

what praytell do you report them for? As per Blue Post in CS forum they are allowed

Lynch mobs gonna lynch


sucks to have finally been caught to do the criminal activity of gdkp isn’t it

RMT was crashing server economies well before the popularization of GDKPs and on servers that didn’t have a GDKP presence at all.

and gdkps have only exponentially increased this process so good job defending rmt via gdkp

Except that doesn’t stand up to the most basic of scrutiny.
Clearly, RMT doesn’t require GDKPs to exist.
GDKPs would continue to exist if RMT magically disappeared, forever, tomorrow, because they give geared players an incentive to run content with fresh players, keep randos/pugs incentivized to stay throughout the entire raid and not check out mentally or entirely if they miss their drop, and can provide a gold income from playing the game rather than farming.
Your issue is with RMT, which didn’t rely on GDKPs in the past, continue to not rely on GDKPs, and would continue even if GDKPs were banned outright.

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People report gdkps, because their logs are too bad to join one. Unfortunately the automated report system can be easily abused, because Blizzard is too cheap to hire real people.

The problem is blizzard bans gold buyers for 3-7 days which is not a penalty of any sort and it doesnt deter pay to win dads from buying gold, further more they introduce token to wow classic which normalizes gold buying.

There would need to be perma bans or at least a 1+year ban for gold buying to make any form of impact on the wow rmt. But the ugly truth is like majority of mmos WoW is too interested in p2w dad whales paycows, because those are the same people that will pay for multiple account, buy epic editions, store mounts, skins etc.

The fact is that WoW classic has 0integrity and it is just as much of a pay to win game as majority of mmos, even though its acting all high and mighty. The token and paid boost in classic wow is just a matter of time till it makes it into SoD/Classic+.

Blizzard no longer cares about player they care about payers.

Gdkps have almost nothing to do with this, gold buying was prevelent long before gdkps were a thing. Dkps and gdkps are simply the most balanced loot system we have at this point thats why it is most popular.

You could say it incentives gold buying, but so does 100% mounts of crafted items or boost are you gonna remove those too? Classic gold use to be valuable, but nowadays its just a swiper paradise with 0integrity, try to focus on other aspects of the game and ignore the fact that gold has no value and the game has no intergrity against cheaters.

You guys dont have wallets?

Blizzard does -not- make money from RMT or botters. It’s usually the opposite due to fraudulent activity and SEC obligations.
Excepting tokens, in which Blizzard absolutely makes money from RMT.

do you wash your hands after you use the bathroom? why would you do that if germs are already going to exist on your hands, because you want to lessen the chance that germs get to actually develop into a problem. the same “scrutiny” can be used for gdkps, you want to cleanse the server from them to lessen the effects that rmt has on the economy, because it has a CLEAR alignment in terms of botted gold traded and laundered. you could make excuses and say oh well it saves time or it saves money or water or whatever, but the truth of the matter is you want to benefit from RMT because without its involvement in gdkp you wouldn’t get as rich

What you’re refusing to understand is that GDKPs would continue being a thing without any RMT at all.
Banning GDKPs won’t reduce RMT in the slightest, because the demand from gold buyers would still be there for everything else in the game that involves gold.
Banning GDKPs to combat RMT is like putting a band-aid over a tumor. If you want to combat RMT, you need to ban gold buyers.
GDKPs can serve a functional purpose with zero RMT involved. RMT would continue to be a problem with or without GDKPs.
RMT is the problem. GDKPs aren’t even close to being the primary driver of RMT.


that’s the most delusional comment I’ve ever read, the most expensive items in the game all come from gdkp, where 99% of the time comes from botted or bought gold. your metaphor is completely illogical, banning gdkp would be more like using chemo therapy for the tumor
gdkp’s primary purpose is to drive up sales for more RMT

GDKPs primary purpose has nothing to do with RMT. The primary purpose is to give out gold if you don’t get any loot.
The amount of the playerbase that engages in GDKPs is going to be absolutely minimal compared to the amount of the playerbase that uses the Auction House, buys mounts, levels professions, etc.
You’re saying that without GDKPs, RMT would cease existing or at least, exist in a much reduced capacity. All it takes to dispel that notion is seeing server economies destroyed before GDKPs were even a thing, let alone on servers that don’t really do GDKPs - like mine - and RMT destroying game economies that don’t have anything analogous to GDKPs.
It’s not like chemo at all, because the root cause of RMT is people valuing their time at a greater rate than they can ordinarily achieve in-game, or even just having a surplus of income and wanting to reduce grind.

GDKPs may incentivize some players to buy gold so they have the best shot at getting their drop, but the overwhelming volume of gold flowing from players to players isn’t through GDKPs, and RMT gold is going to, by virtue of statistics, wind up where gold is trading hands the most.

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that’s just not true and the evidence is in the rmt sales that shoot up in unison with more gdkps rolling out

The only way you could stand on that at all is to have access to RMT sales figures, and correlate that with frequency of GDKP posts.
You have no evidence, you have what you believe is an intuitive conclusion, the problem being is that it’s based entirely on things that don’t match with reality and fall apart with applied critical thinking.

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