Can the people who report GDKP advertisements as abusive chat be banned for false reporting? Thanks

Xurf is obviously trolling, I think it is best we simply flag his posts as such and move on with the conversation.

Hey dont get mad at me, Im just laughing because as a prior multiboxer of 5 accounts, when multiboxers used to complain about being reported and getting auto banned everyone said they dont do autobans, and now magically they do.

Wtf are you talking about. You’ve alleged I participate in RMT multiple times with no evidence and instead claim my participation in gdkp is defacto participation in RMT, contrary to blizzard’s stated policy. You’re a rogue. A scoundrel. A liar.

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A rapscallion even.

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exactly, so why do you continue to act like everyone in your gdkp is vetted and doesn’t buy gold

I don’t think multiboxxers should be mass reported either unless they start selling toons or doing crazy harassment/safespotting stuff on pvp servers

I have no evidence of them participating in that. I have no way of knowing if buying a boe off the AH was listed by a botter or gold seller either.

I been doing gdkps since classic launched and all the way thru wotlk Classic.

I have yet to have anything happen to me.

So idk.

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This is the first time I’ve ever had an action from one, and it was blatantly due to mass reporting by players on wild growth horde side.

and why do you think that they are the problem instead of you

Because they abused a mass report system to get someone suspended who was not violating the rules of the game. GDKP runs and organizing them are not violations, even if you don’t like them.

they did whatever they thought they could do to protect the integrity of the game they were playing and you’re accusing them of some imaginary abuse?

how about you read the room

What a spin. They aren’t stalwart defenders of virtue and integrity. They abused what little power was made available to them by a company who is too cheap to police their own community.

How was I supposed to know this particular server had such a toxic community willing to abuse report systems? Other servers do not do this.

yes they are, they want the game to progress and move away from the toxic gdkp system which enables goldbuyers to spiral out of control

I hope you get suspended for abusing the report system, an actual stated violation, unlike organizing raids using a loot distribution system other people don’t like.

lynch mobs don’t care about justice, they just want to see somebody hang.

this is true.

i hope blizz comes out and bans half of your guild for goldbuying and you’re absolutely gobsmacked, but i know it wont change your toxic mindset