Can the people who report GDKP advertisements as abusive chat be banned for false reporting? Thanks

there is plenty of info out there suggesting the opposite

No, there isn’t, or you would have shared it already.

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where? do share this Evidence you have.


nice troll im not giving you sites to go to to indulge more rmt, you can check that yourself, and you can go onto crusader strike to see the amount of gdkp ads increasing every day

Just putting it here so you are forewarned, Blizzard has taken a formal stance on this and considers GDKP as a valid (though unsupported) means of loot distribution.

That means you are now knowingly violating the ToS for false reporting every time you do this.

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he doesnt have the proof at all because it doesnt exist.

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where did that gold come from? that can come back to bite you
love how you always leave out that part, and thats why reports aren’t breaking any rules, gl with your ban appeal if you’re one of those gdkpers

I have never once bought gold in any version of WoW, I have done GDKPs (I don’t currently do them, but will defend other people’s right to do them if they want to as well as fight misinformation about them)

Infact I know of 3 people who bought gold who were former guildmates, one did it to power level a profession, One did it to put a large amount of money in the guild bank for guildrepairs (it was only much later that I learned it was bought gold or I would never have ussed the guild repair function. The last person bought money to get flying in TBC and got detected right away by Blizzard and had the gold taken away. So in my experience which truthfully is only hear-say nobody bought gold for GDKPS but bought gold for other reasons.

In the Crew I used to run with I knew where everybody got their gold and there was no doubt each person was bringing legitimate gold to the game (one person was the guy who sold everybody fast and easy access to DM buffs for 5g a head, one was a summoner to ZG for the ZG buff, the tank was a long time tank in GDKPs who only needed one binding of thunderfury and his guild had broken up so good luck getting prio on a binding in a new guild (his gold came from tanking the GDKPs), etc…

However by your statement am I right to assume you basically found gold selling sites advertising "Hey you can spend our gold in GDKPs: ?

very noble stories of you, but why would people tell you that they bought gold for something. your anecdotal evidence of when and where you think botted bought gold is flowing into gdkps is meaningless

  1. The guy who told me he bought for Power leveling professions is an arrogant RL friend who thinks he can get away with stuff and only told me years after he did it.

  2. I only found out about the guild officer buying gold for the guilds repair fund because of a slip of his tongue.

  3. The third we instantly guess what happened even though he initially denied it. He eventually came clean admitting to buying gold for epic riding because that is what guildies in close knit guilds do.

I left it out because it’s not relevant. RMT is a violation if the ToS, as it always has been. GDKP is now confirmed to be a valid means of loot distribution, in principle. Hopefully this means Blizzard will be monitoring and actioning those people who funnel RMT into GDKP.

It also means players need to back off with their vigilante mass reports and only report players that are genuinely suspect of RMT. Being a weirdly min-max parser doing carries for gold is not a violation of the ToS, nor is having a wealthy main and funnelling gold into an alt for convenience.

And yes, you are breaking rules. I could report literally every person I see because - hey, they might be engaging in RMT.

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I don’t believe you have a 100% success rate in being able to tell if people bought gold or not

why else would I have 10+ mails and 20+ notifications on the upper right of my screen indicating I’ve reported rulebreakers?

You get that regardless of if the suspension was justified. Just enough people reported the same person through an automated system and some contracted telecom moron hit ‘confirm’ and they were suspended or squelched for a set time based on past ‘offences’’.

The people have spoken

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That’s a ridiculous standard. How could you ever sell something in the AH? By your logic some dirty gold buyer could be the one hitting buy.

That’s not how rules work. The court of public opinion isn’t a court at all. It’s a mob.

Lynch mob likes to lynch?

I’m just sayin’. Learn to read the room.

That doesn’t even make sense. You can’t just astrally absorb some server’s toxic community standard of abusing the report system in a way other servers do not before you’re already banned for it. You hive mentality bug-people all think the same way.