Can the people who report GDKP advertisements as abusive chat be banned for false reporting? Thanks

You’re not reporting RMT if you report people advertising for gdkps you troll.

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explain how

I have no stick in the game, but can you prove that the people banned did in fact not participate in RMT? Thats the only way that you can accuse someone of false reporting.

he can’t do anything cause he’s not an employee, he got banned because he doesn’t care that goldbuyers are in his gdkps and he benefits from them regularly

I just have a block addon and block every single person that advertises for a GDKP


No see you have it backwards.

They are making a claim (that person is RMT) therefore THEY have the burden of providing proof that it should be a legitimate ban.


Your philosophy is to report everyone in gdkps and hoping you get lucky and report someone who actually did RMT.

Let them ban the people who bought gold then, it isnt like the gold is removed from the people who participated in the gdkp.

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This is a totally acceptable solution for a dislike of gdkp runs: don’t play with people who run them. You aren’t required to interact.

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The average payout in a BFD is like 14g. Epic items go for less than the cost of your ratchet-vendor rune unlock. I see no evidence of RMT. I avoid people who seem sketchy. You’re a fool.


once my ignore list fills up i’ll have to do that, i usually report instead of ignore though since both options remove chat, and i get the benefit of being able to report again the next time im online

if i’m a fool then you’re not fooling me with this lie that you avoid people that seem sketchy

Wouldnt the burden of proof that they did RMT be in the fact that they were banned?

No because you can get banned for many things including being mass reported and having done nothing at all.

I wouldn’t want to buy a stolen laptop off kijiji. I don’t want hacked or botted gold in my gdkp. Mass reporting me anyway makes me question whether my scrutiny had any value if the system is this crude and enables bad actors like yourself

I get lucky pretty much anytime someone advertises one then, cause they are responsible

Blizzard has stated they dont have auto bans, if you were banned, chances are theres an actual person that has reviewed a case.

like I said, you can’t fool me. I don’t believe you do any amount of screening and instead seem to have some racial tendencies towards who you let in your raids

A admin worker hitting ‘approve’ without reviewing any information isn’t proof of anything.

Besides, the majority of these things are suspensions, not bans. Unwarranted suspensions are essentially robbing the user of game time.

so you want to back up your lies about your rmt and gdkp involvement with conspiracy theories about how blizzard is internally ran lol

I’m not capable of auditing the raiders financial history, nor am I responsible for doing so. If someone has no logs, no main, and 500g budget, I’m not inviting them because they’re either a liar, botter, or a scammer.