Can the people who report GDKP advertisements as abusive chat be banned for false reporting? Thanks

They raided for the guild and to be a part of the guild group and community.

I know it’s hard to wrap your head around this, but a lot of people play content because it’s fun and not just to get “paid”.

you did get something out of it though. your guildies got loot which made you feel good. if they got geared that helped you do future content. incentive is necessary to motivate

Hehe, yea, I guess if you enjoy playing the game that’s incentive.

The debate is that some incentives that people demand are toxic, community breaking, and poor for the health of the game.

The mistake is offering it as a debate instead of a dealbreaker. Otherwise, it’s negotiable and safe to ignore.

Just did another one. Go on ahead and report your heart out.

They are not agaist the rules. But gold sellers use them to launder gold now. Blizzard is now targeting accounts who receive said gold. So do you want to get banned because some other guy bought gold and you got some during the run?

I’ve been doing GDKPs continuously on multiple characters/accounts since vanilla classic release, like, at peak I was doing probably 10 per week. Never had an account action.

You don’t get banned for being traded a GDKP cut that may have at one point included some botted gold, that is pure fear mongering mythology. Anyone who blames that as a reason for their account action is lying / deflecting the real reason.

Well I have seen a bunch coming complaining about being banned for just such a thing. So if it happens to you ohhh well!

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I just got suspended tonight for ‘abusive chat’. Got a notification in top right corner of screen after about 20m of posting my ad lfm every 3-5m, 5m later disconnected saying I was suspended. I had been running gdkp on my alliance toons on lone wolf with no issue.

Tried starting this on my hordie on wild growth and people in chat immediately started whispering me telling me to die, and mass reporting me. They explicitly said they were doing so. I haven’t said anything in chat to warrant the suspension. I know it’s easy to say “oh you must have been doing something to deserve it” but no, it’s automated and people abuse it.

i would suggest stop advertising a banned activity, thanks

you can spin up as many excuses for RMT as you want, but the fact of the matter is its a bannable offense

doing a gdkp deserves a ban, it’s not abuse it’s warranted

GDKPs aren’t a banned activity. You need to stop conflating separate events to one another to suit your own ideals.

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you’re encouraging RMT by doing gdkp, that is illegal

Then why aren’t gdkps explicitly disallowed?
I can tell you why: all economic activity in the game promotes RMT. This doesn’t mean you shut down the AH - it means you ban botters and RMT’ers.

if you’re gonna tell me why then don’t ask a question, i play horde on wild growth and will continue to remove gdkpers from the community, we don’t want you here

Exxcept It isn’t a banned activity, as per Blue…

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yeah, that can come back to bite you indeed, take the report and move on if you’re pugging a gdkp

It’s a rhetorical question. Again, you’re the only one violating the TOS here. You’re abusing the report system and should be banned.

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since when is reporting RMTers abusing the system?