Can the people who report GDKP advertisements as abusive chat be banned for false reporting? Thanks

A huge amount of real classic players hate GDKP, so you are probably getting reported. Though, GDKP is not against the TOS and I personally never reported anyone for advertising that crap, but we pretty much prefer you take your GDKP crap back to retail.


Why would people report you for running GDKP it isn’t against the rules.

Alright, I’ll revise my statement:

TBC Classic fell off in popularity during that phase because a large majority of the casual population loves Karazhan, hit hard progression walls, and said “That was fun! I’m done with space orcs now.”

Whether we are talking about 2007 TBC or TBC Classic, Karazhan was the most memorable part of that expansion.

No, they didn’t come back for Wrath classic. I convinced a couple of join me on Maladath, but the fresh server was the only way. One of the hopes was to avoid GDKPs.

And no, they didn’t have fun. Every one of them that quit did so out of frustration and anger at Blizzard. There was no “That was fun!” garbage that you’re spouting. They rage quit, went to their Blizzard account page, and unsubbed. These were folks that had fun in Vanilla classic and raided ZG every 3 days on reset.

They loved TBC, I loved TBC, we just didn’t get the version of it that we should have.

Then the sweat lords were angry that Blizzard blew through it so fast. It’s because the buggy versions of the fights, all the casuals went “so long and thanks for the fish” and left. Only a small few came back for Wrath classic, then left again because we didn’t get Wrath, we got some perverted retail lite with their H++++++++++++++++++++++++++ dungeon crap, and Blizzard’s “Oh, we feel that the content needs to be adjusted because it’s too easy” screwing with tier 7 and 8.

GDKPs aren’t a thing on retail, this is something that has spawned and spread entirely within the classic community

Doubt that retail players that raid in both games even care, I don’t think that there are many people who raid both to begin with, if you’re a retail raider classic raids are extremely boring, and retail has M+ so why bother with classic raiding as a retail raider

Because running in a GDKP is cheating.

If you take gold from a gold buyer you are cheating. GDKP’s exist to launder gold to the player base. Therefor…if you run in a GDKP you are taking bought gold…and a cheater.

How do people know where the gold if from that’s just an assumption that its bought.
Same could go for selling items in trade you can’t know where the other player’s gold came from.

Have you watched vids of GDKP’s?

Nobody has that amount of gold without a RMT. This isn’t even an augment. If I work in a fast food restaurant as a fry cook and drive a Lamborghini, something else is going on…and games limit the possibilities far more than real life.

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That’s the problem, we don’t.

However, there are certain things on the AH. Specific BIS and pre-BIS pieces, GDKP trade chat groups, and some GDKP Discord servers that are definitely suspicious.

Are all GDKPs bad, no. There’s no way to tell.

Have you watched vids of GDKP’s?

Nobody has that amount of gold without a RMT. This isn’t even an augment. If I work in a fast food restaurant as a fry cook and drive a Lamborghini, something else is going on…and games limit the possibilities far more than real life.


funny thing is that GDKP actually kept era alive, not the other way around. I was there in 2004-2006 when MC, BWL, ZG, AQ20 became ghost towns because you couldnt find enough people that wanted to run it

From what I seen the amount of gold isn’t that out of hand but that’s just me.

This isn’t a tired argument and no reason to allow CHEATING in the game. Join a real guild and stop pugging and you’ll run old content. Good guild help new players.

GDKP’s are players accepting gold from gold buyers and CHEATING.

and players that have run the raid 40 times and have the gear quit coming due to lack of incentive. I think you should study human nature more to help you understand

Or they could raid because raiding is fun… Instead of needing to be bribed.


I prefer to gdkp old raids.

how many times would you run the BFD raid if they removed all loot from it?

you not liking GDKPs does not make it “obnoxious spam” :expressionless:

To help my guild, if there was a need and an opening that someone without the gear wasn’t there for. Every time.

I ran KZ every week to gear guildies up.
I ran MC, BWL, AQ20, and ZG every lockout to help gear guildies up.
I ran Naxx and Ulduar in Wrath to help gear guildies up.

All LC or MO/OS

It’s called being part of a community, not being a merc. And I happen to actually like raiding.

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and if they didnt get loot?