Can the people who report GDKP advertisements as abusive chat be banned for false reporting? Thanks

You ignoring the obvious implications, is your own problem. I’m not gonna waste time explaining something to you that you’re willfully ignorant of.

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I’ve played plenty of classic, all versions. The only thing banned GDKPs would do is make the community less active. People would be less likely to play alts, me for example, all legal GDKP and we don’t bring any people with over 200g budget.

When I play my alts, I want to guarantee they get some gear or maybe gold for my time, I don’t wanna struggle bus with pugs and pray I win a roll against 5 other people, it’s just an alt. Gives me something to spend gold on

If there’s botted gold in gdkps, there’s botted gold in every player trade. I hope you arent being a hypocrite and using the AH…

In one post your casual guild is going to quit because Kelris is too hard and in another you’re advertising GDKPs? Yep, that makes sense…


That guild died cause of Kelris and a good GDKP guild picked me up after

ERA is pure trash due to gdkp’s. Every single piece of pve end game gear worth nothing at this point, due to the prevalence of GDKP’s.

Gdkp’s are the main reason why people RMT.
Gdkp’s turned era into a pay to win mess.

Some months ago i logged in ERA with a char that i lost in HC and i literally spent 5m watching the LFG, spamming Boosts and gdkp’s. That was enough to know that i’ll probably never play in ERA.

People that play ERA supposedly love vanilla, but many lazy ones just want to carry people/whales over and over, in order to not having to farm and play the actual game.
And i suspect that many, that are carrying are also profiting with real money, not only by getting that sweet whale gold, but also by
being connected to RMT practice. So a win win situation, for them, which completely destroyed any remnant of vanilla spirit in ERA.


Show us data that backs this up.

Out of 100% of the people that buy gold what % participates in gdkps??

I’m sure you have the data right?

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I’m sure. It’s definitely not that you’re lying to try to troll people. :roll_eyes:

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Spam is spam.

I’m willing to bet that the majority of the playerbase wouldn’t have a problem with GDKP runs if there was more trust in Blizz making an effective effort at squashing the RMT issues.

If you wanna grind gold in a legitimate way and go GDKP running, sure. Have at it. But until (if ever) the head gets cut off the RMT hydra, GDKP’s are gonna get a bad rap.


This, so much this.

It’s not that they’re bad, it’s that there’s a pretty good chance that they make the botting situation worse.


No pugs? What are you talking about? That’s all I’ve done. I see constant advertisement for pugs and they’re easy to get into… I see far less GDKP advertisements.

I still don’t see how they’re a problem or bad for the game.

“Trust him bro”!

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This is why I blacklist the word gdkp in GBB.

Never been bothered.

LFM to BFD - Need OT + 1 caster + 1 melee DPS - Quick 7/7 run, come consumed, MS>OS - /w for more info!

This is fine

LFM to BFD - Need OT + 1 caster + 1 melee DPS - Quick 7/7 run, come consumed, GDKP - /w for more info!


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GDKPs are not against TOS
Posting a LFM message in LFG chat is not against TOS
LFG chat is literally rate limited, it’s impossible to spam it.

Every single report is a false one, there is absolutely no argument, anyone attempting to argue is acting in bad faith.

I’m not talking about now, in SoD but in general.

If you look at TBC for example, there were just as many GDKPs as pugs for raids or arguably even more GDKP runs. That’s roughly half the potential people willing to group with others missing, from a casual perspective.

Let’s say I’m a raider. I have gold. Would I rather GDKP? Or PUG. Of course I’d rather GDKP. Get rid of GDKP and you’ll be forced to PUG.

Note: I’m NOT saying that GDKP will ever go away. Nor do I want to get into this whole RMT GDKP debate. I’m just saying that neither are good for the game.

Lmao I love this the GDKPers are crying because they cant ruin another form of WoW.

No I will continue to report you trash and gladly will do so.


Uhh the bulk of the classic community is in favor or neutral about GDKPs, it’s a really small handful of classic players who are against them. So classic players ruined their own game? This is how modern classic is played

The irony that this post was falsely flagged as well.

Blizzard will never go away from automated systems because it would require actual work by humans to be done. The workers don’t want to do it and blizzard doesn’t want to spend the money, so it won’t get done.