Can someone explain why GDKP is so hated?

Right you and and all the other GDKP RMT addicted never bought gold. You all farmed it legit.

It’s like a bunch of convicts in prison. They’re all innocent too. Just ask them.

GDKP rules. It’s difficult to go back to regular raiding, even in a guild. Pugs and SR runs are just out of the question, the quality of players is nowhere near what you’d get in a GDKP run.
Setting aside the whole botting/RMT argument (which exists whether GDKP is banned or not), it’s a meritocratic system where the only barrier to entry is gold, which you can make with farming/playing the AH. There’s a group of people, in game and IRL, who believe these meritocratic systems are not equitable and thus seek to destroy them, even though there’s a very good chance they would never even want to participate in them regardless.
I hesitate to call them “SJW’s” but hey if the shoe fits…

I did farm gold. Despite working an 11 hour shift I would still farm till 1 or 2 am doing ghost mushroom laps. Selling stacks for ~26g per. Making something like 150g/hr during 2019. It funded my consumables for Naxxramas.

In wrath I had a warrior alt on a dead server (Myzrael, I rolled there to raid with an irl friend though the guild died during ulduar), so I ended up being able to freely farm titanium basically uncontested in Wintergrasp. I filled a guild bank tab with Saronite that we transmuted into more Titanium, which of course I turned into Titansteel. Didn’t make as much as I wanted before blizz ruined the market by making titansteel not have a cooldown.

It’s pretty easy to make gold if you’re not lazy/stupid.

The gold is coming from bots that you all are buying and then selling.

Spare us of the “education,” please. We all know what’s happening in GDKPS.

Just come out and say it. Say you don’t really like MMO’s. You feel entitled to break the rules and just do what you want to do, regardless of the impact it has on everyone on the realm when it takes hold.

Just be honest. We already know.

It’s easy to think Whitemane is inaccessible because of the GDKP occurring there but it’s actually very much the opposite when you’re not hyperfocused on the actual loot sales.

Everything is expensive, that especially goes for things outside of the raid itself in GDKPs. Here’s a step by step list on how to succeed when a server with a market is allowed to exist.

  1. If you have a toon that can gather/make raid consumables or farm enchanting materials you can sell those for an inflated price compared to earlier era times. Farm 10-20 Righteous orbs and you can have around 2,000g-4,000g last time I checked.
  2. That’s plenty if you want to get into GDKPs to start. Just look for ZGs, AQ20s, Onys, and MCs. Set a budget for yourself that won’t leave you farming more gold in later raids, remember you’ll get a cut at the end of the GDKP if you respect peoples time and effort. When loot drops that is an upgrade, still bid on it. That’s future bids you don’t need to make and/or heckling you’ll get from players calling you a leach.
  3. Rinse and repeat. You won’t need gear from those places but new players/toons still will. If you farm also Strat, do professions, and the lower raid tiers consistently you’ll have plenty of gold to attend and spend at the higher raid tiers.

The whole idea of swiping for GDKPs is backwards and only bad players who don’t understand economics will spout out. It’s an incentive, yes, but joining the raid and getting a fat payout that you can use on raid consumables and alts is even more appealing to most players. Considering that’s free.

Uphill both ways in the snow?

Then you took your small amount of gold to GDKP’s and slurped up gold buyer gold adding to your meager sum that you earned legitimately?

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I mean, Naxx ran for how many months exactly? I did 3 gdkp’s at the end of classic while my guild was on break as a carry (I bought literally nothing, already had gressil etc) and saved up enough for epic flying and most of my profession costs. I was still selling ghost mushrooms the whole time. I would run mara for shrooms, while in queue for av to use it as a port back to org.


It all started with swiping. You know that it did. The whitemane economy has been ruined for years.

This isn’t a chicken/egg scenario. We know exactly what occurred to make GDKP what it is on Era.

All you have to do is log in and wait in a city for a few seconds and you’ll get your chat log filled with RMT site advertisements.

There’s a reason for it.

That’s a lot of assuming. I made my own gold legitimately by selling stockade/SM carries on my Paladin, farming Arcanite crystals and so on. Where that gold came from is of no consequence to me because I put in the work to make it.
There’s absolutely zero rule breaking if I decided to host a raid where the items are to be auctioned off. That is until Blizzard stepped in at the request of a very vocal minority and demanded it be banned.
What I will say however is that I understand why players have a problem with it when Blizzard simply doesn’t take an aggressive stance on RMT and botting, which as i said, still exists whether GDKP is gone or not.
Tell me, what exactly is the difference, provided RMT and botting are gone, if someone tries to sell Edgemasters Handguards for 5k gold on the auction house, vs a GDKP raid?

The problem is bots injecting currency into a market. This is the definition of inflation.

Trading gold in a GDKP doesn’t inflate anything. If GDKPs existed but bots didn’t prices would be far lower.

Cool story bro. Every GDKP cheater has one just like it.

My preference is just the truth though. Start there.

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Here’s another lEGiTiMaTe GDKP guy.


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Okay buddy boy. Keep coping I guess.

The GDKP ban hasn’t stopped the RMT or the bots but keep being hostile to everyone who disagrees with you.

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What is the end goal if I RMTed for all my gear in a GDKP?

What do I get or expect to get out of that?

I get it, you’re not willing to take any argument made against your position in good faith. It’s ok.

No brotato, it’s you that gets to keep coping.

You don’t get to RMT your way to BiS in fresh. Be pissed.

Nope. It’s not in good faith. None of the sock puppets here lauding the “virtue” of GDKP are honest brokers.

How do you know that?

Because I’m not a gaslit idiot

But people are expected to RMT for prebis and raid consumables?

Why are you okay with bots and RMT but not GDKPs?

How much are Edgemasters or Lionhearts atm? Are those incentives for RMT?

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