Can someone explain why GDKP is so hated?

You’re reading too much into it.

Blizz will update their stance when they change their mind.

They have not changed their mind and therefore have not updated their stance.


do you wish to learn, or just to poke holes at opposing viewpoints?


The short answer is some people are too lazy to farm gold themselves and get mad at those who will do it.

GDKP is the easy target for that because those people are also too lazy to just look at prices of things on the AH.


Imagine the known gold buyer defending GDKP lol


Imagine being so lazy you can’t even get a few hundred gold in WoW without buying it.

So it seems blizzard doesn’t want to put effort into bot busting/ gold buying investigations. GDKP increases bots and gold buying.

Impressive how angry people get to defend them though.

It isn’t that complicated. Gold buying = GDKP doesn’t feel good. Eliminate gold buying and GDKP is the best way to do pug raiding.

And more relevantly banning GDKP did nothing o actually reduce botting.

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Banning GDKP was not an effort to stop botting/gold buying.

Spending money on gear while not actually participating is a dumb idea. Like, pay to win is a derogatory term for a reason. GDKPs Lead to people RMT’ing and dirty money getting laundered, whether you want to admit it or not.

Honestly, I don’t understand people that Play MMO’s without wanting to make connections with people. I want to find a cool guild, I want to meet neat people. I want to work together to overcome obstacles. That’s the whole point of an RPG.

Sounds like you just want to play a drop in drop out action game far more than you want to play a mmorpg.


It would seem enough players disliked GDKP that Blizzard agreed and banned them for anniversary classic. Even if the people didn’t buy gold unless they just got gold from raw farming RMT gold wound up in the system via AH sales.

It suggests only that they don’t feel the need to elaborate themselves into redundancy on a subject that is already covered ground for them and is, quite frankly, obvious to anyone arguing in good faith. There’s no secret conspiracy here. GDKP contributes to RMT. While there’s no bar graphs or explicit statistics anyone can pop out for you on this as causation is something that’s fairly hard to prove when talking about literally any human behavior, it’s fairly easy to come to the simple conclusion that it’s an accurate assertion.

We must also assume they wouldn’t state something so matter of fact without any evidence whatsoever to back up the claim. Just because they don’t share everything with us also does not mean that data doesn’t exist.


More that they blamed GDKP’s for RMT and then banned it because they don’t want to actually deal with bots.

Swipers still seething they lost the war.


It’s not true that bots are camping all sources of value on the AH. Profession CDs work. Many valuable fish exist outside pools and can be farmed. Herbing and mining is very much possible in open world on whitemane and some nodes are within instances. It’s not hard to farm one in-demand consume and trade for the others when all are at similarly inflated prices.

I’m enjoying fresh because of the density of levelling players in the zones and being able to more group quests and low-level dungeons. The economy is different than on era but neither are ruined and unplayable.

What might seem obvious isn’t always the reality. And if I’m being honest, I just don’t really trust Blizzard. They brought the WoW token into WotLK. They have no obligation to be honest with us about anything.

Anyways, I’ve made my point. GDKP is a fine loot system only tainted by its alleged relationship with RMT. I wish they’d deal with RMT and leave our loot systems alone. The end.

Because we dislike playing with cheaters.


The P2W kiddos still trying to convince us it’s not P2W. No one outside the gold selling/buying community believes that but I do admire their dedication lol

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I never bought gold, only had 1 character from vanilla->start of wrath (finally made an alt, dk, that I also raided with the guild on, the alt raid was the group that got herald of the titans first funny enough), but all the best pugs when I had to pug (guild on hiatus between end of vanilla start of tbc/end of tbc start of wrath) were gdkp’s and it wasn’t close. SR pugs have just always been worse.

You can be mad about it all you want, the GDKP ban just means I don’t pug ever. If guild doesn’t run I don’t either :man_shrugging: easy enough.

There’s no need for you to move goal posts. Blizzard has already made it clear as crystal that GDKP is inextricably linked to RMT.

Even without them having said such a thing, you would know that to be true, as well as everyone else with a brain and a pulse.