Can someone explain why GDKP is so hated?

Mind explaining this one?

Are you making fun of me or complimenting me lmfao i cant tell, im hella stupid.

unfortunately blizzard (and game companies in general) love to cater to people with such weakness :expressionless:

Its very easy to explain why its so hated, it was used as a scapegoat as to why the game has such rampant cheating, even by the game’s own devs, now that the truth has been revealed, a section of the forums are extra angry that they were wrong and continue to be mad at a loot system.

You’ll see them in every thread, usually on their level 20s, posting about how all pro-gdkp posts are the same 5 people on level 20 characters


Wat i find stupid is blizzard not banning gold buyers. Selling gold is bad but buying gold is ok?


I don’t see an issue with people selling carries or boss kills.

I mean, it’s a basic tenet of MMOs, something you’ve been able to do since the dawn of the genre.

LFM need buyer flash gold in trade.

So what’s the problem with gdkp then? The bidding part?

GDKP doesn’t let people with low parses in like trade chat Sr/Ms>Os runs do, ultimately thats what every anti gdkp argument leads to. Good players are in a club im not invited to and I don’t like running with people of similar skill


Yep. They can’t use RMT or the absurd “eroding traditional guild and social structures” as arguments because they are both flat out false.

RMT is at an insane level right now and some of the biggest communities are gdkp oriented.

Guildy saw this dude earlier.

Talk about Dent Head

lmao thats wild, also green parsed overall kekw

I’m on my phone but it looks like:

Krol Blade
Both BOE T1 items.

The cherry on top is that he’s human and doesn’t need Edgies unless he wants to dagger tank rofl.

Yeah thats what im getting. He has a 48 overall btw on parses and is beaten badly by all the rogues in his raid

Yes. That’s precisely the problem.

Of which is not an issue with players selling services.

You might as well just make the argument that selling anything in the game is a form of “GDKP” if you’re gonna die on that hill since you could reason it that way.

“As long as anyone sells anything at all, people are motivated to buy more gold to afford it!”

I mean yeah I guess but that’s precisely why Blizzard makes a distinction, it’s their line in the sand and you either accept it or don’t.

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I’m 99.99% sure those boots are BoE’s as well, Battlechaser’s, and the chest is Hydralick, another BoE.

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He went all in on the swipe

I wonder how much gold he’s wearing

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5-6k all told probably, depending on price for LHH/Edgies/Clouds

Based on 2019 pricing, 1200 LHH, 1800-2k Edgemasters, 1500-2k Clouds. And then nickel and dime the rest of it.

Hes a pure buyer waiting for a gdkp to happen, but they aint happening.

Please continue stroking each other now, sorry for the interruption.

Low parsers don’t get invited, or you might be right