You mean they joined a raid that was already formed, stood in the back while everyone else killed the boss, then paid the Raid leader gold for the item? Are you dumb?
Yea not how my gdkps work.
Sorry your experience is trash tier gdkps
So out of curiousity, what happens when people post GDKP logs where the entire group is geared and participating in the raid? Do you like, shut up? Or just switch to another character and continue posting incorrect things on the forums?
Wasn’t there a GDKP with like, server first logs?
Why don’t yah hard charging parsers try something a bit more difficult?
Like Retail Mythic Raiding Ahead of the Curve?
I am pretty certain there a couple/few more game mechanics on various bosses to master in comparison to, say, classic raids.
Just roll that high parsin guild/GDKP playa’s over and bring down Queen Ansurek on mythic. Should be pretty easy for ya.
Or you could wait for the next raid, which is the Goblin City one and give those world first guys a challenge. But if ya did that, I don’t think world first would be over in 55 minutes, or however long ‘world first’ (again, again) in classic takes.
Just saying, should be easy peasy. Right?
Heroic is ahead of the curve, mythic is cutting edge.
Been there done that.
Damn Drinknblink. Nice job there. You should come do mythic Queen Ansurek.
Edit: Out of curiousity how do ya find classic raids challenging? I mean they’re not right? Besides the herding cats thing.
Different games bud. Even funnier, a large part of the reason mythic raids even take so long to clear is either bugs or being overtuned to the point of not being clearable.
If you want my reason for not playing it though… I don’t find it fun when an RPG with character progression mechanics doesn’t actually become easier to clear content once you’ve progressed through it. Off the top of my head examples: Cata Deadmines Admiral Ripsnarl, no matter how much gear you have you WILL sit through the vapor phase 3 times. SoD ZG Arlokk, she transfers into panther form and despawns for like 30 seconds when she reaches a set hp threshold, it’s boring. Retail raiding is much like that, the mechanics don’t really become easier to survive or push through no matter how much more gear you get, it’s just tedious. And 99% of the game just spams M+ because it’s more rewarding than raiding. Heroic Sire was a 10 minute fight and you button mash the entire time because haste needed to be the best stat in the game for some reason. So not only are the fights not fun, the gameplay isn’t either. Hope all that answers your questions.
Okay I gotcha Ikanaide. But looking at some of these posts people are posting parses for stuff like MC or BWL. Seriously? Parses for AQ40? Where the mechanic is usually, avoid bad stuff on floor.
And then to top it all off with GDKP argument that somehow that makes it more fun?
It’s a weird world man.
I guess if you’re having fun in the video game that is what counts.
I don’t think ya getting GDKP back, though.
I don’t find classic to be challenging especially stuff like era, it’s incredibly boring at the start.
Bosses dying in 20 seconds who don’t even have mechanical is boring to me but there is aspects of the earlier versions I think are fun and I’m playing with the guild I have been in for 3 years now
We still raid Cata, we near heroic Rag and have done all heroic raids up to current.
Yeah I haven’t played retail in awhile lol.
Cool. I get that. At the end of the day it is the people you play with that make a game enjoyable.
Have fun!
Big flex, all I have is AoTC’s because I’ve never even been remotely interested by mythic raids. Though I think that might be related to the part where by pull 4 or 5 I’m planning out cd timing for the whole fight and the rest of the group is still learning the first mechanic happens at 15 seconds.
Double checked, AoTC Garrosh, N’zoth, and Sire. Though, also in my defense, I quit after Garrosh and started playing vanilla pservers. Didn’t come back seriously until the end of BFA and only to prep for Shadowlands since they were putting effort into pvp again (they lied about this, S1 SL suuuuucccckkkeed)
I have 2 more cutting edges not in that pic since I ain’t scroll all the way down.
I have cutting edge Helya and Cutting edge Guldan.
Then my guild fell apart kekw.
My guild is still going, the one I joined in MoP, they clear heroic every tier. I love them but I’d never go back to retail raiding until they abandon haste reducing spell cd’s and the gcd.
I’m getting too old, the arthritis is too much with how spammy retail is.
GDKP makes it more fun because despite not being particularly difficult, you’d be genuinely astounded to learn people still die in droves to things like Onyxia breath during her air phase. Personally I raid as a means to an end (Especially in vanilla), get gear, go pvp. The fun part is pvping with the toys I get from raid. Raids are a necessary evil for me to acquire said toys. I want to spend as little time as possible acquiring my toys. 3 hour pug that may not clear, or hour pug that pays me for showing up and possibly rewards me for balling out on the meters, it’s not a hard choice.
It really doesn’t even matter if they don’t bring it back, I just won’t pug or play alts. Everyone else has fewer people to play with, not me. I’m still gonna get gear and then PvP. I just won’t participate in raids that don’t benefit me.
And the gap between GDKP’s and the average pug (and even most guilds) only widens the harder content becomes.
What does this even mean!? I though Classic was about socializing, finding groups, doing dungeons and quests!?
It better not be a stupid rating system like live has, come on!
Regardless of what people think there are a large amount of players who do wish to participate in gdkp’s and voicing that on the forums is the only way for blizzard to see that we aren’t happy with the gdkp policy.
Full afk carries enter the chat. If you have gold, they will take you.
Still allowed on era, you’re welcome.
Classic doesn’t sound like the game mode for you my friend. Try retail
I’ve played vanilla through pservers since MoP up until classic release, accumulating close to 10k hours (being generously low btw) /played of vanilla specifically doing so. Keep the stupidity to yourself, thanks.
GDKP runs are better than pugs 99% of the time, and better than a huge chunk of guild runs. I like playing with people who aren’t stupid.
I’m sorry that for some reason the majority of NA classic players are worse than Balkan players who speak in broken english. But I don’t want to play with most classic players because of this.