Can someone explain why GDKP is so hated?

Full of pug raids and dungeon runners?

The RMT advertisements, don’t be dense.

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You completely lack the irony of you calling him and others crazy as you call them rabid dogs and other nonsense…

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oh yeah there are def tons of gold sellers on era. but also seen those ads on fresh

No you haven’t. Post a screenshot. Show your proof.

The reason you aren’t seeing it (haven’t and will not) on fresh is that there are no GDKP’s here.

You know this. Just be honest.


Pay to win is b/s thats whats so wrong


lol why would I ss a gold selling ad?

You do realize that today there is probably way more USD worth of wow gold being sold on fresh than era, by like a big margin, even if you account for pop size diff.

I’m going to completely reject your assertion or anyone’s assertion that I have anything to do with RMT because I do some GDKPs. It’s nonsense and it’s distracting from the real issue.

It’s certain that if you participate in the economy at all there’s some RMTd gold. That’s not my problem any more than it is on fresh with people using the auction house to sell their goods.

Never in the history of any game ever have players been expected to enforce and uphold the rules of the game beyond what they do as an individual. That’s for Blizzard to enforce.

RMT is Blizzard’s issue to deal with. Not the players. Don’t misplace blame.

Reward your carries and organizer with an additional roll on an item, or an additional SR if that’s what is desired?

Filter out bad players by being selective with who you invite to your PUG, which people already do extensively with the proliferation of logs and parsing being so revered.

There’s nothing people did in GDKP’s that can’t also be done exactly the same in PUGs, except of course buying gold via RMT and then guaranteeing you can outbid anyone else who is playing legitimately.

It’s really not an issue to remove GDKP’s entirely.

Removing them just allows people to do other things in the game besides GDKP’s, because now there isn’t that option that’s so vastly superior to everything else in the game by far.


Why wouldn’t you? I’m telling you that you are a damn liar if you say there are RMT advertisements in trade or ANY chat channel on fresh.

Yea post your screen shot showing evidence of your claim or just piss off.

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They make this process smooth.

Years of Era proves how one can enjoy raiding with hundreds of different people, zero loot drama, quick clears, and tons of funs through the GDKP system.

I’ve done enough SR / MS > OS to know that I don’t care to do those types of pugs again.

Have I said something unreasonable?

Blizzard isn’t the one buying gold from these botters, the players are.

And in large part the players who bought gold were doing so to spend it in GDKP’s.

Will they still buy gold?

Sure, just look at the price of Edgemaster’s, but that’s a much smaller problem compared to an organized system encouraging gold buying of tens of thousands of players run systematically multiple times every week.


Yeah. So ban them. Did you want me to ban them? Because I can’t.

I mean, I do GDKPs too, but I have no issue coming to terms with the reality of that fact. You can put your fingers in your ears all you want but now it just seems like you’re coming out hard in defense because you don’t want to feel like you’re being accused of being a gold buyer or something.

Don’t take it so personally.

Most gold in GDKP on era is RMT’d, it’s just reality. I’m not saying you’re a gold buyer by participating in a GDKP, but it’s unavoidable fact that you’re playing as sort of a cog in the entire machine of RMT promotion.


How many hours to farm an epic mount?
How many hours to farm all the BoE prebis?
What about boosting an alt?
How much gold to pvp competitive for ONE day?
How much gold for frost res set?
How much gold to raid one naxx?

You need gold to play this game at the max level, if people can’t raid for it they will either quit or buy gold. A few will farm, but it is so many hours that many simply wont.

I’ve never said anything about RMT not being a thing. All I’m saying is it’s not my responsibility. I defend GDKP because I think it’s a good loot system and I would like to see Blizzard do the right thing about it instead of removing a perfectly fine loot system. It happened with SoD and fresh which I don’t care about, but my concern is that may extend to Era some day.

Ban the gold buyers. Kill the bots. Send lawyers after the gold selling websites.

Is that unreasonable to expect Blizzard to do all that? Perhaps. But that’s what I’d like to see.

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This. If they wanted they could deal with gold selling / buying and GDKPs would still be the only good pug system.

It seems they don’t want to because they would lose like 40% of their subs.

Perma close any account buying or selling gold, most people will stop.

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Or, maybe, just maybe, they’ll actually just play the game without buying gold?
Especially if as we agree, there should be a massive penalty and bans for anyone who buys gold, a permanent account ban for any gold buyer would also discourage it a lot.

If people literally can’t play the game without buying gold, then let them quit, the point of the game is to play it.

You need gold?

Go farm it, go pick up a profession, go offer services ingame, go do anything, that’s just called playing the game.

The problem is today’s gamers, especially a significantly large portion of today’s WoW players are in favor of, and support gold buying, because it’s more “efficient”.

And defending and supporting GDKP’s is just another major part of that systemic issue.

This whole GDKP argument reminds me of a Drug Dealer saying “I’m not the problem, it’s the people buying the drugs and causing issues that’s the problem, don’t ban me!!”

It’s just ridiculously disingenuous to ignore the effect the drug dealer has, in the same way it’s disingenuous to ignore the effect the GDKP’s have as a part of this issue.

I 100% agree, ban the bots, the gold buyers, all that, and banning GDKP’s discourages gold buying and botters reducing the incentive to purchase gold, which reduces the incentive to buy gold.

More still need to be done, 100% agree, but banning GDKP’s is a good first step, and hopefully Blizzard continues.


Ban the cheaters, stop trying to micromanage how players play the game.

GDKPs are the best way for good players to enjoy the game. You want a world of noobs, fine ban it.